My name is Ragnar The Savior. I plan to save the human race, by becoming the next ruler. I don't want to put the humans above anyone else, I just want peace for my people and all of mankind. I will fight when I must. I will conquer when the need arises. With my intelligent mind, and my mighty sword, I will make my way to be thy ruler.
A new abode has been acquired and I, Ragnar the Savior, intend to full occupy the wooden structure.
Advisor Description
I first ran into Maraith going to the market. Dressed in the most expensive dress I've ever laid eyes on, I couldn't help but be dumbfounded. She introduced herself, as did i. She told me how she's very skillful and comes from one of the noble bloodlines. After telling her my story, she offered her aid in making me the new ruler. I know it's only for her own personal gain, but I think the knowledge she has obtained over the years will greatly help me on my quest.
The Beauty of Lady Fluke
Beauty like the stars cause it's out of this world. The most unique hair that is a beautiful feature all on its own. Lips that can make a mans mouth water with greed. Beautiful eyes that can melt the hate around a warriors heart. All these beautiful features you have darling, any other female would be blessed to have.
Deity of Ragnar
The Goddess of good Arith is a very kind souled beautiful woman. She really wants the best out of her followers and is loyal to the ones that show the same loyalty back. She is also ruthless when time calls for it. Strike you dead in the beat of a second.
A Dog Rat died due to my unique combat skills.
A Bat Swarm looks strange when motionless on the ground.
Let it be known that I, Ragnar, have attained Level 1 and as such have grown in both ability and endurance.