Owen the Ranger

Owen Ranger - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 7th Dec, 2019 - 2:37am

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ROK II RPG Character 1000 Medieval Text Adventure
6th Dec, 2019 - 12:59am / Post ID: #


Owen the Ranger

My name? Owen. What do they call me? Well some call me a Ranger.

Easterner. Raised by Humans. Indeed this may not be considered normal, truthfully the circumstance is indeed peculiar. My original parents I only hold vague memories off. Images and phrases that have stayed with me since I was just 2, when my parents died. My father was a good man, despite our race being seen as primitive or barbaric our settlement was different. My late mother used to tell me stories of how my blood parents were in charge of their settlement and had began to develop a sort of vote based system for the leadership. The other clans and tribes did not look happily on my blood parents idea of government and one day decided to attack the settlement. I remember being told to hide under a bed whilst watching my blood parents getting slaughtered. I stayed under the bed for hours. Until my father and some of his soldiers came to investigate. I was the only survivor of the tragic event and he saw fit to adopt me. Which is how I ended up being raised by humans. Tragic I know.

I am around inches in height. I have a naturally muscular build. I have dark blonde hair which is shaved on the back and sides and combed over on the top. Small blue eyes. Slightly tanned skin. And I have been told a have rougish look about me.

I have spent time training and learning from my fathers friends and I have learned to look up to them and take their advice seriously. I have a best friend as well called Tofdir who has given me an interest in the arcane arts which we both share passionately. I want to hopefully one day take my fathers position in the army but the events from my childhood haunt me and I have thirst to found out exactly who killed my bood parents. My plan is to join the army.

To become ruler I have no plan. I know glory can be found following the footsteps of my father. It should be known that I will not fail. Onward to the future, may it hold victory.

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6th Dec, 2019 - 1:39am / Post ID: #


Ranger Owen

Advisor Description

Who is this guy following me? Well I can not let him persist. Its the middle of the night. Why is some dark robed figure following me? I need to do something. I walked through a long dark alleyway and stopped at the other end and waited for my mystery stalker to follow. As soon as he stepped foot outside the alleyway I spun into my stalker and pushed him back down the alleyway. Holding him by his neck I smacked him a few times in his ribs until he dropped to his knees. Without hesitation I slammed my knee into the side of the his face causing him to drop onto the floor face first. "Who are you!" I shouted. No response. Now angry I dropped to the floor and spun him over to get a look at his face. "Tolfdir" I said in surprise. I knew this person, my best friend, the closest thing I have to a brother. "Tolfdir!" I shouted again to try and wake him up, luckily he was not too badly hurt. I slapped him lightly across the face a few times and he arose from his enforced slumber. "Tolfdir, Tolfdir, why were you following me?" I asked whilst he began to slowly open his eyes. "Owen, [crap], did you hit me you brute? Well you were never one to be subtle." Tolfdir replied whilst holding his head. "Tolfdir, the question I asked, why were you following me?" I asked again. "Oh well you see Owen I heard what your mother said to you I had to come along, after all if you prevail you will need a court wizard will you not?" Tolfdir said. "You are welcome with me anytime Tolf you should know this, next time ask instead of being all shady, you never know I might stab you next time, in any case shut up and lets go to the tavern". Why would Tolfdir not just announce his intention on joining me, I could not say. However I am glad he is with me. I know he has my back regardless of where my back might be facing.

6th Dec, 2019 - 7:28pm / Post ID: #


Owen the Ranger Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

House of Sorrows

You weep because you are weak. If you tell me you are the creator, then is this not your will, or atleast your failure. I am an easterner do you not think I have seen segregation and ill will due to nothing but the race I was born with. I hold no sorrow however the only way to be happy is to be better. To win. To thrive. To rule. The autismark is different than being an easterner in a human settlement. The weak are the only ones who suffer in this circumstance, the strong rise against the tide and prevail. This is the natural way of things. I love my people, and I hold little stock in materialistic things however anyone who is not in my inner circle means very little and I am more than willing to use them for my own gains. I need not gold I thirst for my mothers revenge. That is ultimate love, love beyond death. You are not a creator of anything other than your own downfall.

6th Dec, 2019 - 9:15pm / Post ID: #


Ranger Owen

T'was the first time I encountered a Soldier. I live to tell about it because I won that battle.

6th Dec, 2019 - 9:49pm / Post ID: #


Ranger Owen

Most beautiful lady of Owen

This one time I saw this skinny woman that looked like she had no meat on her bones. She had dark hair and a face that looked as if influenced by a white or a b. She stood there attempting to look seductive whilst a man approached her. It looked asif the man did not know this godess but she did not look frightened. She walked with the old looking man down the ginnel and proceeded with a dance I had never seen before. No clothing just passion. After the dance the man presented the woman with a gift. I waited a while in the shrubarry I was hiding in and watched. The same dance she preformed with many men that night however I did not have the courage to ask her to dance myself.

7th Dec, 2019 - 1:43am / Post ID: #


Owen the Ranger

Owen the Ranger is raised. I, Owen, have died but am alive again! I, Owen, liveth for the 1st version of mine entranced self. Change the pursuit and I shall changeth the outcome.

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7th Dec, 2019 - 2:24am / Post ID: #


Owen Ranger

Message to Advisor

Tolfdir my dear friend, the memory of my other still haunts me at nights, the tavern smells and my room is small and uncomfortable. I remember when used to play as kids when my father was home. Well we still are kids Tolfdir but a long time has passed since then. I had a strange encounter today that has rather baffled me. You know me Tolfdir I have never held much stock in the belief of religion. But this house of sorrows you recommended caused quite a conflict within my thoughts. I came across the house and knocked on the door, the man that opened the door looked like my very presence had scared him. He told me of his kids and his burden as the so called 'creator'. Tolfdir he asked me if I had understood the meaning of his message which I thought I had understood. I told him what I perceived his words to mean, and how I rather did not care for, others and his point was valid, about people including my self. But after leaving and returning the day after the house was no longer there. Tolfdir am I wrong to be so careless, is my need for revenge and thirst for power wrong? I think not Tolfdir I believe in what I said to the crazy old fool. I wish you would come visit my in the tavern more. Your Friend, Owen.

7th Dec, 2019 - 2:37am / Post ID: #


Owen Ranger Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

Owen the Ranger is raised. Mine sins hath doomed me for the 2nd time all because of my fascinated past in this fantasy world. I need to changeth mine cause.

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> TOPIC: Owen the Ranger


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