My story begins before I was even born when my elven father, Theoden, stole my mother, Madeline, away from her human village and forced her to be his wife. While my mother always told me that she loved my father despite this fact, I could tell that there was a hidden resentment in her tone every time she talked of him.
My father often took long trips off to war, and he was on one of these when I was born. Despite this, I was named Augusta on his instruction, after the only human that he had ever respected a general he had fought against and killed. Despite the origin of my name, I always liked it.
I lived a relativity comfortable life for my first thirteen years, spending most of my time reading and learning all I could. My thrust for knowledge was never-ending, and people around me started to refer to me as "the Scholar."
However, this life had to come to an end. My mother always feared for me, as despite looking more like an elf than a human, those around still treated me harshly for my human blood. So on my thirteenth birthday, my mother fled with me to a human village.
There I stood out, my pale skin and blonde hair were not that uncommon, but my ears had a notable point to them, and many said that my face was that of an elf, not a human. Here I discovered that Humans could be just as cruel as elves.
Because of this, I stayed mostly isolated in the years up until my sixteenth birthday continuing my studies in hopes of one day become a powerful mage so that I could earn power in this world.
Advisor Description
After the death of my mother, I thought that I had no one looking out for me. However, this turned out to be incorrect. One day as I was getting some food, at the local inn. I was approached by a humble-looking woman.
She was a few inches shorter than myself in dressed in common clothing with an apron around her waist. A tavern wench she offered me some drink looking me over very carefully as if judging me. It was not odd for someone to take note of my more elven appearance, so I thought nothing of it.
After spending some time eating, the lady returned. Handing me a note, I picked it up and read it, discovering that it was from my departed mother. It read;
'My dearest friend Mary, I know that I am soon to leave this world and need someone to look after my daughter Augusta. I know we have not known each other long, but ever since I moved to the village, you have been kind to me, helping me when I needed it, and I hope you will do the same with my daughter. ~Madeline'
After reading the letter, I was shocked, and the two of us started talking. Mary told me she would try to help me in any way she could. However, because of her humble station, I am not sure how much help she will be. Still, it is always good to have someone looking out for your back, and I am grateful to have Mary there.
Deity of Augusta
Esmera is the Goddess of freedom and choice. A being of pure neutrality, she works for herself and those who follow her, not ideals such as good or evil. She's depicted as a human woman in a gown of dark green.
Her main principles revolve around luck and the way of nature. She encourages her followers to make their own luck. She also teaches that nature is the greatest force there out there, one with no care for what we think, and while it must be respected should not be revered either.
Worship of Esmera
Before I rest each night, I head to the window of my house and look up to the sky. I call forth to Esmera in hopes that she hears my prayers.
"Oh great Goddess, may you glance down upon me with luck. May I hear your voice in the darkness as the wind blows through the land. I look to you in times of need so that I may find the strength within myself and so that I can rise. Esmera, your holiness knows no bounds and your dominion no borders. No matter what happens, I will still look to you, for I know that you have gifted me my luck both the good and the bad, and to reject one is to reject the other. I will not abandon you, not it times of hardship where hope seems lost nor in times of wealth where I have all the riches I could desire, and I pray that you will never abandon me either."
When my prayer is done, I take a hand full of dried leaves from a jar upon my window sill. Crushing them in my hand before opening my palm and blowing the dust out into the night air. It is only then that I allow myself to rest.
Message to Advisor
"Mary, the past few days have been going very well. I have been so busy I have not been able to speak much to you. I have met many of the people in town, and to my surprise, most of them seemed nice, I suppose my life has been lacking in kindness until this point it seems odd. Anyway I managed to get my hands on a bunch of equipment I felt like I could fight a dragon, well not really but it does feel good to have some extra protection. You would not believe how much some of this cost, and I may of went a bit overboard at the market place where I bought almost everything they offered. However my great expenses aside, I am still hopelessly lost in the town and I have no clue where to go now. I know you advised me to steer clear of fighting, but I did spend a day in the labyrinth underneath that odd establishment, and Mary, you should have seen how well I fought the rat dogs down there. I know, I know, it is dangerous, and I promise you I won't go back until I gain more skills, but I just don't what else to do. You know my ambitions which are better kept unspoken, But I, unfortunately, won't live forever and must somehow progress in the world, I can't even get a solid job as a translator for Esmera's sake. Have you by any chance heard news of anything that may fit my current skills, I am lost, and I would be so grateful if you could help me in this Mary."