Brogar the Chief - Page 2 of 4

I have defeated a Woodsman. Let all know that - Page 2 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 16th Jan, 2020 - 8:49pm

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ROK II RPG Character 1023 Medieval Text Adventure
15th Jan, 2020 - 10:11pm / Post ID: #


Brogar the Chief - Page 2

Ever fought a Creep? I did… and beat it to death.

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15th Jan, 2020 - 10:12pm / Post ID: #


Chief Brogar

T'was the first time I encountered a Dog Rat. I live to tell about it because I won that battle.

15th Jan, 2020 - 10:17pm / Post ID: #


Brogar the Chief Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

I, Brogar, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 1 among my fellow men.

16th Jan, 2020 - 9:02am / Post ID: #


Page 2 Chief Brogar

Mysterious Person at the Tavern

I see the stranger under the hood is another orc. I agree to follow them. He is an old orc with black skin and straggly gray hair coming from his chin hinting at a human ancestory. I order around of drinks. He reclines a bit in his chair. His expression a bit shocked. I ask "why do ye look upon Brogar in such a way." The old orc rocks back forward " I am Arsward (Arm of the sword.) I am not use to any Chief giving me anything but orders."

"Brogar would like to know more about this endowment that you spoke of. From what clan do you come Arsward?" Asward takes a long drink an wipes the foam away with his hand. " I am of the spider clan a clan that once was apart of your wolf clan." He pulls up his sleeve an shows of a tattoo of a giant spider. " I have come as a messenger from your distant cousin Mergar (Elf spear) the Chief of the Spider Clan he would like to congratulate you on becoming Chief as it is our custom." I ask " Can you tell Brogar more? What is Brogar to receive" Arsward takes another big gulp of ale. "No Brogar I can only tell you that you shall receive something. This something is to help you with your goals. It is also away for your cousin to show he recognizes your claim as chief of the wolf clan. " I take a drink and take a second to let his words sink in.

I notice our drinks are gone so I order us another round." So where does my cousin live? What can you tell me of my relative?" Arsward drinking again takes a moment to answer " We are of the Orc Lands. Our clan is small but have done well for our selves."

"How then are the Orc lands? I have never been and only heard storys from clan elders?" I ask. Arsward spews ale from his noise he wipes snot an ale from his face an slings it on the ground " An orc that has never seen his proper home. Why I never thought to see this day" I scowl a little at him for his reaction. " He sees my face and he goes silent for a second. " I mean no disrespect I am only shocked" It was normal for orcs even hole clans to move back an forward to the Orc Lands. Yet Brogars father had gain control over enough land for there clan for his and his warriors service to the Monarchy. Arsward " The Orc Lands are as they always have been stained in blood. Constant clan warfare." I take another drink an relax back in my chair. " I can not wait to see what my cousin has sent to me. When shall it arrive?" Arsward finishes his drink" I suspect in the next few days. Do ye have any other questions young chief?" I order one more round. " Brogar can not think of anymore now letb us enjoy our ale" "Yes let us to much talk will spoil good ale in your stomach." He replies. After a few minutes he was on his feet. He pounds his chest with his right hand. A traditional orcish salute. " I must get some rest young Chief I hope your gift comes soon. With that he walks out of the tavern.

16th Jan, 2020 - 4:16pm / Post ID: #


Chief Brogar

Now that I have attained Level 2 among my people, ye shall see a more powerful Brogar than otherwise might have been known.

16th Jan, 2020 - 4:52pm / Post ID: #


Brogar the Chief

Deity of Brogar

Ergar(Evil Spear) was once just an orc warrior. His godhood was won by war and cunning. Most orc children grow up with stories of his exploits or those of his most famous followers.I expect to live a life of war that would reflect his own and always put my goals before the welfare of the week. I expect to gain from him aid in battle. The Tenets of Ergar
It is not yours if you can not defend it.
Show no mercy to the weak.
Take what they will by strength or cunning.
Show no mercy to your foe.

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16th Jan, 2020 - 8:01pm / Post ID: #


Brogar Chief - Page 2

Worship of Mrgar

Mighty Mrgar Lord of all orcs I call on the. I call for you to guid my soul so that I might gain an army. With power to spread your name. I call upon you help me find the one who killed my mother and took her heart. Mighty Mrgar do not for get your kin ship to the orcs of this world so long as they shout your name in battle. Let us destroy weakness where ever we travel. Guide me Evil lord to your will. Guide me upon the path that the prophecy told. I am mighty my lord. My axe is yours.My armoris yours. My shild is yours. My soul is yours. So shall be all I come to control.
I am your child now a son of Mrgar the Evil lord. The lord of war here me great lord. Grant to me this things I ask and I shall prove my self before you. If I shall fall I will prove to you my worth on the battlefields in your realm. There is no fear. There is no weakness with in me. Hear my Great evil lord.

Brogar wonders if the Evil Lord had heard him. He had tried very hard to sound worthy of the evil lord help and guidance. Brogar listened for a moment. Not hearing any thing he lays down in bed an goes to sleep.

16th Jan, 2020 - 8:49pm / Post ID: #


Brogar Chief Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 2

I have defeated a Woodsman. Let all know that it be by the mighty hands of Brogar the Chief.

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