Druune the Mighty

Druune Mighty - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 12th Feb, 2020 - 3:35pm

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Posts: 13 - Views: 525
ROK II RPG Character 1042 Medieval Text Adventure
11th Feb, 2020 - 3:32am / Post ID: #


Druune the Mighty

I bear the name Druune to honor the wishes of my father. He named me so to honor the man who he called "father". My father is an Orc, generally despised and hated by most, born and bred for a short and violent life. In his youth, my father was injured in battle and left for dead by the rest of the Orc raiding party he was a part of. He was found by an older human man who took pity on him, and through much stubborn determination, pulled my father from death's door and befriended the Orc. This man never judged my father for being born Orc, and taught him a different way. The way of honor, to protect those weaker than himself, to stand up for what was right and to defend those he loved. This man saw past the outer wrappings, and into the potential of the soul of my father. This man's name was Druune. So I bear the name with pride.

I am known as Druune the Mighty, for great is my strength and awesome is my physical prowess. No contest of strength do I reject, no test of physical skill do I deny. I am known as the Mighty for I am indeed Mighty.

My mother was human, my father Orc, making me a mix of the two. Unlike most half-orcs, though, the circumstances of my conception were happy ones. My father, through the strength of his character, won my mother's affections and they married. I was born of love, and I will never let other's perceptions of my lineage change how proud I am to be my parent's son.

I stand nearly 7 feet tall, known as Druune the Tall before Druune the Mighty won out. Powerfully built, doors present a challenge not only with my height, but with the broadness of my chest and shoulders. My muscles are large and prominent, and as hard as steel. I am handsome, for a half-orc, with my human side showing dominance in my facial features. My skin is a tan almost brown color, and I wear my black hair long. Besides my stature, my piercing sky blue eyes are the feature that stands out most.

In spite of my large size and great strength, I strive to embody the dame principles the man I am named for instilled in my father, and I am known to be kind, honest and true. I have some training in soldiering, and hand to hand combat is second nature. But I have often found comfort in the wilderness, and possess many woodland survival skills.

I set out to fulfill my mother's prophecy, however fate decides, and hopefully make a name for myself doing good deeds and accomplishing feats of legend.

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11th Feb, 2020 - 3:48am / Post ID: #


Mighty Druune

I, Druune the Mighty, after much toil and perseverance have finally been able to obtain a wooden abode to call my own.

11th Feb, 2020 - 8:57am / Post ID: #


Druune the Mighty Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Advisor Description

Upon entering Town, Druune felt more than just the town's folk eyes watching him. He had suspected for some time that he was being followed, but couldn't fathom a reason why do he brushed the feeling aside. But once in Town he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, and after some time noticed a human male paying a little too much attention to him. Druune decided to set an ambush for the unknown man and discover the man's intentions. Turning down an alley, he hurried to one end and rounded the corner. Then he pressed himself up close to the building and waited for his unwanted follower to emerge from the alley in pursuit. A few moments later, the human male emerged slowly from the alley, searching for Druune. And that is when Druune pounced, using his great size and strength to grab the man and shove him against the wall. Druune's intentions were to frighten the man and get answers, but before he could manage more than "Who are yo… " He felt a sword hilt slam into his midsection. He released the man, and winded, tackled him to the ground. The two men commenced with a dusty tussle for awhile, the man's obvious experience and training being a good match for Druune's strength and size advantage. Finally, the man cried out "Hold you giant ox, I mean you no harm. Leggo' me and I'll explain". Druune, having had more than his fill of wrestling for the moment, consented and listened to the man's words. His name was Rayne, and was a captain who had served with Druune's father for a number of years. After an injury had left Rayne a little slower than he liked, he agreed to come look after Druune and be his advisor in his father's place, rewarding years of serving together and friendship he had with Druune's father. Despite their initial meeting, Druune found that he greatly enjoyed Rayne's company, and the many stories of his father that Rayne was more than willing to tell. Druune trusts Rayne almost to a fault and considers him not only a trusted advisor, but a friend as well.

12th Feb, 2020 - 2:19pm / Post ID: #


Mighty Druune

Reflections On Your Mother

Reflections on my mother-

Father was not much more than a storied presence for most of my life. Mother often played the roll of both parents. While I love and honor my father, most everything I am I owe to her. My morality and life goals, the hopes and dreams I have, the core of my being I contribute to her. I miss her everyday. She is often on my mind, and I hope beyond all other hopes, that I can make her proud.

12th Feb, 2020 - 3:03pm / Post ID: #


Mighty Druune

A Creep died due to my unique combat skills.

12th Feb, 2020 - 3:05pm / Post ID: #


Druune the Mighty

Let me telleth thee the story of how I killed a Dog Rat. The Dog Rat attacked and with my skills I killed it. That was the end of the Dog Rat. Like my story?

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12th Feb, 2020 - 3:07pm / Post ID: #


Druune Mighty

While a Bat Swarm may be difficult for some a Bat Swarm is no match for me.

12th Feb, 2020 - 3:35pm / Post ID: #


Druune Mighty Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

Most beautiful lady of Druune

She stands talk, with flowing brown hair that reaches well past her shoulders. Her hazel eyes pierce into the very core of those she gazes upon, as if she can see right into your very soul. But her warm smile and magnetic personality lift the spirits of everyone around her and everyone is drawn to her. She has a natural tan complexion that seems to be flawless. She is ample of breast and her shapely rear is noticeable in the best of ways. And her long, lean legs seem to go on for miles.

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