Haradon the Paladin

Haradon Paladin - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 12th Mar, 2020 - 4:04pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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Posts: 15 - Views: 453
ROK II RPG Character 1056 Medieval Text Adventure
10th Mar, 2020 - 8:57am / Post ID: #


Haradon the Paladin

I, am Haradon. I was given this name because of my father. He was a paladin. He died before I was born. Mother never really told me much on how he died, but I always felt she was hiding something there. I am at the age of 16. I am known as the Paladin because I am striving to be virtuous, kind, and just. Just as my mother told me my father was.

I was born a Human because my parents were human.

I stand 5 foot 10 inches tall with an average body. I have dark brown hair with big brown eyes. My white skin and a plain appearance in general makes me unique.

I see myself as one who follows the paladin way of life. I want to become a well respected king. By first starting my squire hood and earning my way to my knighthood and finally my paladin hood. I generally view alliances as the best way to achieve the best outcome.

I intend to build friendships and alliances in order to become the next Ruler of Kings. It should be known that try to find the best compromise to arguments. Thus, I now start this path towards my goals and ambitions.

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11th Mar, 2020 - 12:13am / Post ID: #


Paladin Haradon

Advisor Description

WOW! I said as the lady walked into the tavern. I thought she seemed to resemble me a little. I went up to introduce myself, and I was in total shock as she said "Hello Haradon." "Who are you and how do you know me?" I asked. "I am your stepsister Letroice. We share the same father. He married your mother after mine died." My jaw dropped. I never really knew my father. I didn't even know this woman existed. "Why have I never herd of you before?" "I'm not even sure if your mother knew of me. I was already on my own when they got together. I knew of your birth, but didn't know when or if I should introduce myself to you." So many questions not enough time. She could see the confusion on my face. She smiled and said "We are family. I will try to help you when and if I can." I said "Thank you." She took her leave, but said "I live near the town, but not in the town. I'll be in touch."

The serving wench came with my food and drink. I don't even remember ordering anything. I sat there and contemplated what just occurred. "I have a stepsister?!? What does this mean? Where do I go from here? I have a stepsister!"

11th Mar, 2020 - 5:16am / Post ID: #


Haradon the Paladin Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Today, my encounter with a Dog Rat ended with me slaying the Dog Rat.

11th Mar, 2020 - 5:21am / Post ID: #


Paladin Haradon

A Bat Swarm died due to my unique combat skills.

11th Mar, 2020 - 4:08pm / Post ID: #


Paladin Haradon

A Skeleton attacked me but I made the final blow that left the Skeleton dead.

11th Mar, 2020 - 4:14pm / Post ID: #


Haradon the Paladin

Let it be known that I, Haradon, have attained Level 1 and as such have grown in both ability and endurance.

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11th Mar, 2020 - 9:29pm / Post ID: #


Haradon Paladin

Now that I have attained Level 2 among my people, ye shall see a more powerful Haradon than otherwise might have been known.

12th Mar, 2020 - 4:04pm / Post ID: #


Haradon Paladin Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

Why Am I Haradon?

This child says I'm good. How does she tell this? Is there something in my mannerisms? Is there really an "aura" that can be seen and read? I know I am trying to be a good person, but how does one really know that I am "good"?

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