How Your Brain Controls Your Speech

How Brain Controls Speech - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 3rd Jan, 2023 - 8:36pm

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Post Date: 22nd Mar, 2020 - 3:27pm / Post ID: #

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How Your Brain Controls Your Speech

How the brain controls the voice. A particular neuronal circuit in the brains of bats controls their vocalizations. Based on the rhythm with which the circuit oscillated, researchers were able to predict the kind of sounds the bats were about to make. These research results could contribute to a better understanding of human diseases in which language is impaired such as Parkinson's or Tourette syndrome. Source 8e.

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22nd Apr, 2020 - 11:54pm / Post ID: #

Speech Controls Brain How

This is an interesting study! I assume in those disease some kind of neuron circuit has been damaged in a way that can't transfer the 'electricity' to tell your body to speak. This could be helpful for those who have that problem!

Post Date: 3rd Jan, 2023 - 8:36pm / Post ID: #

How Your Brain Controls Your Speech
A Friend

How Your Brain Controls Your Speech Health & Special Psychology

Broca's area is perhaps the most widespread of the parts of the brain that controls speech. It is in the front part of the left hemisphere and converts ideas into spoken words, which is why it is very active just before speaking.

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