Jordan the Mage

Jordan Mage - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 25th Mar, 2020 - 3:16am

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Posts: 13 - Views: 511
ROK II RPG Character 1068 Medieval Text Adventure
24th Mar, 2020 - 11:13pm / Post ID: #


Jordan the Mage

I was Born to the name of Jordan Passed down through my family from my grate grandfather.

I stand at 183 or 6 foot tall I am skinny for my height but still have muscles. My Hair is black and stretching to my shoulders and my eyes are a light blue.

I am known as the Mage for my love for magic and knowledge and I fully intend to use that knowledge to become the Ruler of Kings.

I am a elf, son of Kerith my mother she passed after my 16 birthday Left alone I set out to make my mark on the lands.

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25th Mar, 2020 - 12:17am / Post ID: #


Mage Jordan

Advisor Description

Within the town Jordan was walking with a hood on in hopes of finding a tavern to spend the night, A worm bed to pass out in hopefully after a good meal followed a bath if there was one.

The sun started to fall as Jordan searched for a tavern one would think to just ask the guards to find it but with Jordan being a Elf the chance of getting proper directions from them was next to none.

Jordan thought he might need to ask. This town was new to him and was like a maze though after time he would be able to find it he currently had little to no time left.

Jordan was so absorbed in his thoughts he did not see a man of short stature approach him.
The man dressed not rich but not exactly poor he was more of a middle class.

Man"Sir excuse me but did you by happen to see a el… "the man looks at Jordan examining him from head to toe before he recollects himself Jordan takes a step backwards

Jordan"You look for a elf Why?"

Man"Sorry I forgot to introduce myself I am Grath are you by chance Jordan Son of Kerith?"
At the mention of his mother Jordan becomes more Alert there where not much people that know of his mother and those that do were not on friendly terms.

Jordan's first thought where if he should answer this noticing his unease Grath Continued.

Grath"I once new your mother years ago.Recently she sent me a letter here let me show you."
Grath Pulled at a small pouch around his waist and started to dig through the contents. This worried Jordan as currently if he pulls out a dagger then the money he mad at the smith will be robed and if he is luck he will stay alive. Though he worried it was for not after a few seconds Grath pulls out a small letter and hands it towards Jordan.

Jordan took the letter and brought it close to read but kept one eye on Grath he looked down at the letter.

Kerith"Grath I know we had our differences but I ask of you one last favour soon my son Jordan will set of into this vast world. I need someone to look after him to guide him. Someone to be there for him when I cannot. You owe me this last favour Though I know my son so when you see him show him this letter he knows my handwriting and my signature. Son I entrust you to one of my oldest friends Grath - Kerith. "

Jordan looks from the note to Grath several times"We can talk about this tomorrow by any chance do you know where the tavern is? "
Grath looks at Jordan before a smile formed on his lips
Grath"Yes in fact I do is just down the road let me show you"

Grath proceeds to go down the dirt road before Jordan followed behind still not fully trusting his so be mother oldest friend especially when he has never met him.

25th Mar, 2020 - 1:36am / Post ID: #


Jordan the Mage Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Reflections On Your Mother

My mother as far back as I can remember was always there for me she was kind. What can I say she did everything for me she raised me for who I am. I may not always listen to her and do things my way. Here opinion was always there and helpful encase I needed it.
I wish I spent more time with her 160 years might seem to long for humans point of view but to elf's when we focus time slips.
I love my mom but every passing day I cannot stop but feel the loss.

So in memory of here I will try my best.

- Jordan.

25th Mar, 2020 - 2:19am / Post ID: #


Mage Jordan

Let me telleth thee the story of how I killed a Dog Rat. The Dog Rat attacked and with my skills I killed it. That was the end of the Dog Rat. Like my story?

25th Mar, 2020 - 2:29am / Post ID: #


Mage Jordan

Today, my encounter with a Bat Swarm ended with me slaying the Bat Swarm.

25th Mar, 2020 - 2:49am / Post ID: #


Jordan the Mage

A Reflexes Skill expert I am today for I have been taught well by Instructors.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
25th Mar, 2020 - 3:00am / Post ID: #


Jordan Mage

I, Jordan, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 1 among my fellow men.

25th Mar, 2020 - 3:16am / Post ID: #


Jordan Mage Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

Let it be known that I, Jordan, have attained Level 2 and as such have grown in both ability and endurance.

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> TOPIC: Jordan the Mage


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