Why Am I Ellyn?
Why is my aura free? What does it mean to be free? Free to make my own choices, free to follow my own path, free to pursue the destiny I know I have. My life is my own, that is why I am Free.
Breath of life comes to Ellyn the Blessed. I am still Ellyn the Blessed even if this fantasy world doth maketh me wonder-struck the 10th time over.
Some refer to me as Ellyn, the Magician master.
While a Bully may be difficult for some a Bully is no match for me.
Exy the War Dog joins the Adventure Party of Ellyn
Exy is a large dog suited for tracking and companionship. She has golden brown fur with little patches of white on her feet. She is very friendly, but also very protective. Exy is known to be weary of other animals, though.
Worship of Eloni
I am growing stronger each day, my Goddess. I enjoy experiencing new and old things, but I also enjoy making my own choices in what I want to do. Thanks to you, my Goddess, I am able to see my world with clear and open eyes.
The Resurrection of Ellyn the Blessed. I awoke again for the 11th time. I am mesmerized by it. I felt like it was a quest. I shall object in mind for better.
I, Ellyn, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 3 among my fellow men.