No one shall lay low Ellyn the Blessed. This be a fumes of fancy, for who knew that it would take mine 4th resuscitation to be mesmerized.
The Beauty of Lady Fluke
Those features so pretty and lovely
Those thoughts so clever and sly
Lady Fluke is beautiful and brilliant
But also more tha meets the eye
When you see the beautiful Lady Fluke
You better beware
For she can see right through you
And will lay your heart bare.
Most handsome gentleman of Ellyn
This man has captured my attention more so than anyone before. With his sandy brown hair and almond eyes, I can't help but catch my breath when he looks my way. He is tall and broad shouldered, with a lean body and deep dimples when he smiles. His voice is kind but firm. I am attracted to the way he commands a room.
Worship of Eloni
My goddess, please give me the strength to keep going. I will only admit this to you, but I am finding it difficult to stay on my destined path. I am searching for experience and knowledge, but it seems the only thing I find is just enough for survival.
Reflections on your father
What can I say about my father? He was a strong minded man, with equally strong physical strength. He made sure we were provided for, but he was rarely around. I suppose I should thank him for my stubborness.
Worship of Eloni
My goddess, I am humbly asking for some guidance. My soul is weak, and I don't know how to strengthen it. I have tried many options and am losing my determination. I beg of you to send me a sign of faith.
Message to Advisor
I have pushed forward despite my difficulties. I am being active in searching out assignments and jobs, and my mind is the best thing I have. I am working towards gathering more wisdom, which I understand I need to work on.
First time in the Town
Ah, the town. My first impression wasn't anything special. I knew what I wanted at the time. I was only in this place to get myself ready to move to the next step in my destiny. The people are nice, and I get by with what work I can find. I don't want to stay here, though.