I, Mollyann the Wanderer, was attacked by a Dog Rat and was victorious in combat.
No one shall lay low Mollyann the Wanderer. To mine entranced I am here for 2nd time in this quest. Maybe mine duty is not as it should be.
The Beauty of Lady Fluke
Surprise, surprise, look who is here!
What does Lady Fluke use for her skin care?
Blushed cheeks and red lips,
Please tell me all your tricks!
Lady Fluke is quite the sight,
Full of excitement and delight.
Many people stop and stare,
For the lady of Parody has them ensnared.
Most handsome gentleman of Mollyann
I tried not to stare at the beautiful creature in front of me, but the dark hair and shadowed whiskers on his chin and cheeks caught my eye. His smile was radiant, and his eyes were bright as he spoke with the tavern wench.
The Resurrection of Mollyann the Wanderer. I am still Mollyann the Wanderer even if this adventure of life doth maketh me wonder-struck the 3rd time over.
Worship of Kalia
Treat others the way you want to be treated. Kalia the Goddess of Good taught me this conviction. I follow this path in all my experiences and hardships. I can only pray it helps me get closer to my destiny.
No matter mine future, fer today I am not only known as the Wanderer, but I am also an expert Plebeian Language of which I am very proud.
Breath of life comes to Mollyann the Wanderer. I, Mollyann, liveth for the 4th version of mine amazed self. Change the aspiration and I shall changeth the outcome.