Gougouji the Adventurer

Gougouji Adventurer - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 6th Apr, 2020 - 2:10pm

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ROK II RPG Character 1086 Medieval Text Adventure
5th Apr, 2020 - 9:59pm / Post ID: #


Gougouji the Adventurer

My name is Gougouji- tis a word from my father's native tongue, and the only one that I know, being that he died in 'The Great War' shortly after I was born. It means 'curios one'. And, I've certainly lived up to that; always wanting to know things, weather through books or exploration. I've always had an insatiable drive to uncover truth, to resolve the unexplained and just plain find mysteries to be… interesting. More times than not, this has landed me in plenty of trouble with the towns folk. To my own discouragement, my need to scratch my wondering itch, has caused my mother plenty of grief too, being that my family is already frowned upon since my father was an outsider. And, I'm sure it doesn't help that I look a lot him; shiny, raven-colored hair pulled back in a single flowing lock from the crown of my head down past my shoulders-just as my father wore his. My skin is sun weathered from spending most of my youth outside exploring and playing in the forest. My eyes are slanted, again, like my fathers. But the wide, almond shape, I've inherited from my mother, as well as her crystaline eye color. Needless to say, I stand out just as much as my father, and because of this, have scuffled with town bullies almost daily. I suppose my lot may have caused me to have grown up dark and embittered, but I was fortunate enough to have found favor in a teacher of faith. He instructed me in the way of his book and introduced me to his Saviour. I took the teachings and the Saviour as my own and any roots of hatred that might have enslaved me were since severed. I am free in mind, heart and am ruled by the love of my Creator and love for my fellow man.
I've grown much in this past year, at least two inches. That puts me just over six feet- not bad for a sixteen year old with a solid physique, and decent fighting abilities- exemplary for an aspiring adventurer, escort, and sword for hire-that is if the job is of noble cause. And, along the way, I plan to rid the land of as many evil atrocities as my God will allow in order that good will abound towards all mankind. This is how I plan to advance my name, wealth, and wisdom as to become the next Ruler of Kings. With love in my heart, a prayer on my lips, and my sword at my side, I begin…

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6th Apr, 2020 - 1:17am / Post ID: #


Adventurer Gougouji

Advisor Description

I first saw Evangelist through swollen eyes, lying on my back, in a darkened alley, blood trickling out of my nose. I was just thirteen, had happened upon a group of drunken ruffians who thought it entertaining to use the 'half breed' for sparring practice and wasted no time in pummeling me to the ground. One more boot to my body and I'm sure I would have blacked out. But just when the rhythmic kick should have come, a swirl of white robes and bamboo tore into the wicked jeers and sneers surrounding me and within moments had felled them all. Nothing moved then and the only sounds were a few moans from my attackers who hadn't been knocked unconscious. Standing over me, his long, white, beard swaying in the evening breeze, a thin, old man extended a wrinkled hand and helped me to my feet. I thanked the stranger, asked him who he was? He told me he was a friend and said it wasn't right what those reprobates had done, but, none the less, he encouraged me not to harbor hatred for them in my heart. And, as he saw me safely to my home, he expounded some of the teachings from a black bound book that he carried. He told me of a Savior who also forgave His enemies, even loved them enough to give His life for them so that they could live forever with the one true God and that I was one of those He died for. He left me with many questions and with a knowing that pierced to the deepest part of my heart that he spoke the truth. Evangelist has been a mentor to me ever since. He taught me to defend myself, and to use my gifts for the good of mankind, for the promoting of truth and justice. With his prayers, friendship, and wisdom, I plan to do that… as the Ruler of Kings.

6th Apr, 2020 - 2:45am / Post ID: #


Gougouji the Adventurer Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

A Creep attacked me but I made the final blow that left the Creep dead.

6th Apr, 2020 - 2:58am / Post ID: #


Adventurer Gougouji

Gougouji the Adventurer is raised. I, Gougouji, have died but am alive again! Mine cause is to be Ruler of Kings and yet I have suffered disappointments for the 1st time much to mine bewildered. I am not in a bedtime story yet I have become it.

6th Apr, 2020 - 4:48am / Post ID: #


Adventurer Gougouji

Today, my encounter with a Dog Rat ended with me slaying the Dog Rat.

6th Apr, 2020 - 5:00am / Post ID: #


Gougouji the Adventurer

A Bat Swarm died due to my unique combat skills.

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6th Apr, 2020 - 12:58pm / Post ID: #


Gougouji Adventurer

Reflections On Your Mother

My mothers name is Ester.She was a strong and dignified woman. After father died she did menial tasks around town to provide a meager living for us. Her beauty was such that even the stigma of being the wife of an outsider could not keep away potential suitors who offered a comfortable lifestyle for her hand in marriage. But she'd have no part in the matter. Her heart belonged to my father and she was to be his until she met him in death. And so she accepted her fate to be shunned and poor but always with her shoulders back and her chin up. Never did I hear her complain or show any sign of self pity. She was a good woman who taught me to be thankful for what we had and who we were and I miss her dearly.

6th Apr, 2020 - 2:10pm / Post ID: #


Gougouji Adventurer Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

Now that I have attained Level 1 among my people, ye shall see a more powerful Gougouji than otherwise might have been known.

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