I am known as Leon the Good. I was given this name because my mother believed it would grant me courage. At the time of writing this, I am 16 years of age. The title of Good was something I chose for myself, as a constant reminder of what I seek to be. I am grateful to be known as such by others; it tells me that I have been on the right path so far.
I shall attempt to describe my physical appearance in as much detail as possible. I stand five feet and eleven inches tall, with a lean body. I have black hair with blue eyes of average size. I am white skinned, and have often been described as having a "Ruggedly handsome" appearance. My muscles are not bulging, but they are toned.
I have taken it upon myself to expand my understanding of the world. I believe I am destined for greatness; my ambition guides me towards that greatness. If anything thou hath read thus far has inspired thee to have even the slightest faith in my potential, hold on to that faith. Believe in it. My late mother believed I could even become a ruler. I will achieve even that, if that is how I believe in my heart I can do the greatest good.
For now, discovering where and how I might do the greatest good is my goal. I shall walk among the people and determine their needs. All I can do at this time is what I can see in front of me. As I grow, so too will my capacity to act upon the world. Look forward to seeing me change the face of this land for the better.
Advisor Description
I worked as an herbalist for about a month, and during this time I found enjoyable company. It was hard and occasionally risky work, but it was worth it. Among the friends I made during that time, none grew as close to me as Henry.
Henry has a way of elevating ones spirits that I can't quite put my finger on. It's like a pleasant aura surrounds him, and all of the workers were grateful for it. He took quite an interest in me and my aspirations while we worked together there. I was happy to oblige him with my story - he seemed like a nice guy.
Imagine my surprise when that job ends, and he comes with me, explaining that he knew my mother and wished to advise me on my journey! Could have told me that earlier, now couldn't he? I don't much like that he was hiding something like that from me for an entire month. What other secrets might he keep?
Hmm… even so, I don't sense any malice from him. And if what he says is true and my mother trusted him, he at least has a good head on his shoulders. If he is the kind and friendly soul I have come to know, I would welcome his companionship and his council without a second thought. But does he seek to help me in my goal of doing the most good, or my mothers goal of seeing me become the next Ruler of Kings? Perhaps those goals may yet coincide with one another - I can't deny feeling a draw towards leadership. But if they conflict, will he still stand by my side?
I will remain cautious, but I am giving him the benefit of the doubt and trusting him. That is what I owe him, as a friend.
Reflections On Your Mother
My mother was a good one. We were not the wealthiest, but wisdom was something my mother was filled with. Her desire to lead me down a path of a greater life was admirable. I believe I inherit much of my inner strength from her.
My mother always believed I was destined to be the next Ruler of Kings. I am uncertain from whence she got this notion, but I am discovering my mother had made plans to help guide me in this pursuit even after death. Not only that, my dreams suggest a greater destiny to me as well - in fact, my dreams urged me to write this very reflection in my journal.
Are these dreams another result of my mothers actions? I fear that sounds a little too crazy to be likely. However, it is hard to deny all of the signs that I should be taking this destiny seriously.
I wish that I had asked more question while she was still alive. May her soul rest in peace.
Deity of Leon
Aman, known by many of His followers as the Blessed Father, is well respected as a loving god. His teachings, put shortly, are as thus: blessed are those that bless their fellow man. Be kind and grant your blessings freely to those deserving, and accept other believers blessings graciously in kind. Through this expression of unconditional love can we become blessed ourselves, worthy of the Fathers watchful gaze.
Worship of Aman
"Oh Blessed Father, Guide my Steps
So that I might find those who need me most.
Oh Blessed Father, Guide my Eyes
So that I might see the world through your wisdom.
Oh Blessed Father, Blessed are Thou
Please count me among your children. Bless my path so that I can bless others, and may our paths so enlightened lead us not to temptation, but to a greater good for us all."
- A Prayer for Guidance, from the Teachings of Aman, as recited by Leon the Good.