My name is Rykken, which means "Intellectual Bandit". The term "bandit" tends to have a negative connotation but my mother meant it more as being a sponge to soak up knowledge. She always said, "Sometimes, if ye act a bit daft, ye may just learn something. But don't BE daft!" My mother always encouraged me to explore and learn anything and everything I could and thus I became known as the Explorer.
I am a human, male standing 5' 9" tall with a slim build. I have dirty blond hair that never seems to quite do what I want it to do which leaves me looking perpetually disheveled. I have piercing green eyes which is extremely unusual in the area that I am from. I tend to ask a lot of questions which some people can find annoying but I never seem to notice and I am rather absent-minded as well.
I am in decent physical shape from working on the farm but knowledge is my first love and I would rather sit and read than spend time sparring or jousting.
My mother instilled in me a love of books and knowledge so I am naturally drawn to clerics, druids, and magic-users. I was taught that knowledge is power and I intend to gain all the 'power' that I can. I feel that the more knowledge I can collect will naturally allow me to evolve into a great leader and ultimately become the 'Ruler of Kings'.
A Sentimental Value
I had heard whispers of the ring throughout my childhood, snatches of guarded conversations, but nothing concrete. Nothing, that is, until just a couple of days before my mother died. She had shown me the ring, fastened tightly to a cord around her neck, and told me the story.
It was a strange ring - quite large with strange symbols and markings on the face, worn and tarnished with age. When my mother removed it and placed it in my hand, it weighed much more than a ring of that size should and I felt a strange warmth emanating from it. My mother just smiled and nodded. The ring had been passed down through our family for generations upon generations. Legend has it that it was a royal seal but she had not found anyone who could identify it for her and it's beginning had been lost to the wisps of time. The story continues that eventually the ring will be passed to a latent king who will rise up and restore the name and kingdom of this long forgotten seal.
I don't know if my mother knew her end was near but her timing was impeccable. I can't help but wonder if I am destined to be that fabled monarch. I must try and find out whatever information I can about this ring.
Advisor Description
I may have just come in from the farm, but I could tell that someone was following me. With the admonitions of my mother, to be safe, ringing in my ears I slowly sauntered through town, waiting for a chance to confront my shadow. Sure, the surroundings were unfamiliar but trapping a rat is the same whether in the swamp or the stable. I rounded a corner and then waited for him to follow. I took some satisfaction in the fact that he seemed surprised that I had noticed him and wasn't afraid to confront him. Initially, I was skeptical when he claimed to be watching out for me at the request of my late mother but as I pressed him the story continued to hold up. I was surprised to learn that he was a local politician. Farmers don't usually have a lot of interaction with politicians unless it's to complain about the terrible mess they're making of things but thinking back I did vaguely recall seeing various political figures visiting with mother over the years. Now what would she have needed to discuss with people like that? Did those visits have anything to do with the ring I'm now carrying? Why would he agree to do something like this anyways? With my thoughts jumping all over I cautiously agreed to allow him to be my 'Advisor'. What will he be advising me on? Then the thought hit me. If I'm planning to eventually be a king I might be able to learn a few 'tricks' from my new friend here. I wonder if mother had the same thought? For now I'll keep my cards close to my chest but if mother really did appoint him to be my advisor she must have trusted him. He'll have to earn my trust though.
Reflections On Your Mother
Reflections On My Mother
My mother was always gracious and welcoming no matter who visited the farm. To her, it was your character that mattered and she seemed to have a knack of peering deep into your soul to see exactly who you were. You know, the more I think about it, the more the legend about this ring makes sense. She loved books and instilled a yearning for knowledge in me. She often told me that every book has something to learn from it.
Reflections on your father
Reflections on my Father!
My father was a stern, strict man but always fair. He was not given to outward displays of affection but he worked hard and provided very well for our family. He adored my mother and would do anything for her. I remember him going out and collecting her favorite flowers every year for her birthday. He never complained or seemed to get frustrated when I tagged along behind him, interrupting him with my endless questions or "helping him out". Looking back I am beginning to realize just how much he actually taught me, most of it without saying a word.
Message to Advisor
Today has been a most excellent day. I was able to procure for myself my very own abode and remove myself from the rental room at the tavern. I am slowly working on building my skills by finding odd jobs here and there. Being in the big city is still confusing at times but I'm slowly becoming familiar with the area.