Elluin the Blacksmith

Elluin Blacksmith - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 8th May, 2020 - 10:44pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

Posts: 8 - Views: 613
ROK II RPG Character 1156 Medieval Text Adventure
8th May, 2020 - 9:17pm / Post ID: #


Elluin the Blacksmith

My name is Elluin, the first of my family to bear this name. Born by an elven mother to a human father who left swiftly to go to war, my human tainted blood seems an abomination to me.
I can be best described as a tall muscular elven man with pale skin and red hair that I keep tied in a rogue knot. My hands are covered in callouses from years of working metals and my arms are strong.
I believe that through work and perseverance, I can become a legendary smith, and my weapons will last through the ages. This will be my claim to immortality. And so I will go forth to the Town, to find a mentor who will teach me to improve mind and body, praying to the gods for the soul to achieve my dreams.

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8th May, 2020 - 9:32pm / Post ID: #


Blacksmith Elluin

A Sentimental Value

I brought one item from home, the first flail I ever made. It is a poor imitation of a weapon, but it inspires me to improve my craft constantly. I shall keep it with me always.

8th May, 2020 - 9:43pm / Post ID: #


Elluin the Blacksmith Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Advisor Description

During my explorations of the smiths, I stumbled upon a captain who claimed to know my father. While I do not care for my human father, this captain, Adan, seems to be decent enough. He has offered to advise me in my endeavours. Surely this is a meeting that will benefit me greatly.

8th May, 2020 - 9:44pm / Post ID: #


Blacksmith Elluin

I be the proud owner of a new wooden abode which I bought today fer a hefty price.

8th May, 2020 - 9:49pm / Post ID: #


Blacksmith Elluin

Deity of Elluin

A god of the elves, Corilan has always struck me as one who aids those who are artistic. It is to him I shall direct my prayers, for though my goals of being a smith seem to be waylaid for the moment, I am one with an artistic persuasion.

8th May, 2020 - 10:20pm / Post ID: #


Elluin the Blacksmith

The Beauty of Lady Fluke

A face of daub to shape at will
Though others might but call it swill
A poet finds some other way
To show appreciation for a feminine play

Though a mask doth hide a face some fair
I dearly hope someday to share
A feast with thee, through my eyes
To gaze upon that face realized.

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8th May, 2020 - 10:31pm / Post ID: #


Elluin Blacksmith

A Woodsman died due to my unique combat skills.

8th May, 2020 - 10:44pm / Post ID: #


Elluin Blacksmith Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

Elluin the Smith has died with his mission unfinished. Recovered from the slums, his broken body shall lay to rest, a final testament to his failures. As the dirt falls over him, we remember his deeds, his apprenticeship to the shield maker and his time spent with Lady Fluke.
May his god carry him to whatever lays beyond death

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