Catam the Ranger

Catam Ranger - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 15th May, 2020 - 11:09am

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ROK II RPG Character 1162 Medieval Text Adventure
14th May, 2020 - 6:20pm / Post ID: #


Catam the Ranger

Catam, the name given to me by my father. It was that of my mother's father and I believe that he sought to honor my mother's love for him in this way. With my mother's elven heritage, I felt a connection to the land and wood. She even gave me the nickname of "Acorn." And I often found myself spending much time among the flora and fauna near my home. I call myself the Ranger because I feel this is my truest path to honor my father.

My father, little known to me, was an important inspiration. His sacrifice of home and hearth to defend our community by his service should be one easily recognized. I will endeavor to honor him with living a life to end evil and tyranny where I find it.

With my mixed heritage of elven and human, I have seen the wickedness of bigotry too often. Many are quick to judge and fear what they see as different and unknown. But I was born of love. My mother shared many of the stories, including how they had met. I will write of that another time, my ink well is too low for such a long tale.

I've never thought myself ugly but nor have I been overly confident in my face's ability to swoon the ladies. My chestnut hair and eyes the color of black walnut lumber compliment each other as well as my slightly elven features. My skin tanned from the time out in the woods and meadows, is of even complexion. And even though my slender frame is but 5 and one half feet, I have tried to maintain the strength one would need to survive long days in the woods… and in life. A slow deer is eaten… but not by a weak mountain lion. Perhaps my garb keeps me from being noticed. I oft wear attire more suited to last in the woods and colored to blend.

I know the way of the sword as best I could. My attempts to swing steel under the tutelage of the local garrison could have been more but the weight did not suit me so they could not train me fully. I had taken to practice of my own volition with smaller blades, short swords, dirks and daggers and even twin kukris. My skill with a longbow feels more natural though. Hunting in the woods for deer and rabbit for many years has aided in my confidence of that skill. If nothing else, venison and hides can be useful trades when I have needs that the woods cannot fill. Perhaps there are groups or guilds that might find my woodland skills of use as well.

My mother's prophecy that I would be Ruler of Kings has often caused doubt in my heart. I feel I am of sound body and a trained mind, though my spiritual connection is more with the trees and animals than that of man. How could I be one that could lead men let alone kings? Yet, these were my mother's words and I trust them even if I fear I am not worthy of such greatness. Before her death, she had told me of my father's courage. I asked her why he was without fear. She corrected me. "Acorn, your father had fear but overcame it to do what needed to be done. Anyone who claims to be without fear is a fool. Courage is the ability to act in the face of your fear."

So I will endeavor, like a ranger should. When storms rise, I will weather it. When food is scarce, I will focus on the most nourishing. And when fangs are bared with wicked intent, I will fight.

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14th May, 2020 - 8:24pm / Post ID: #


Ranger Catam

I have paid the Town Builders fer meh new wooden abode and today I have moved in to occupy the said premises.

14th May, 2020 - 8:47pm / Post ID: #


Catam the Ranger Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

A Sentimental Value

I am ready to venture forth. My gear and rations are packed, I've mended my trousers from the tree climbing incident and I only need one more thing. My mother wore a ring around her neck on a chain. She told me it was her father's Ring of Solace as it had been passed down from generation to generation and it comforted him knowing his lineage through the stories through the etchings detailed in the ring. The reason for the chain was that it was too large for her slender fingers though I think she enjoyed it being close to her heart. It is just slightly large for me, but I think I will still grow to fit it in time. For now, it will remain on the chain until that time. So then, it comes to it. I am sad yet eager for this path. I miss this home already. I have to remember to purchase more ink.

14th May, 2020 - 8:47pm / Post ID: #


Ranger Catam

Advisor Description

Mansfield, or Manny to his closer friends, approached me when I was working on a leather belt for a soldier at the barracks. He sternly asked about the ring around my neck, which caused me pause. I wasn't sure if I were about to be accused of thievery for the tone of his voice and slight scowl furling his brow. Nonetheless, I told the truth and he his face softened as he grinned. He had actually seen the ring before as he had known my father and he had met my mother on several occasions. He was saddened to hear of her passing then offered council should I need it. I wasn't sure if his words were true and he had actually been a friend to my parents but still I thanked him and said help such as that would be very welcomed. He smiled and said, "Good luck, Acorn." My own smile widened as he walked away.

14th May, 2020 - 10:42pm / Post ID: #


Ranger Catam

House of Sorrows

Your children are cast out by society because they are seen as not normal by society. Anxius is in constant motion and can be talkative while Gailen is the opposite, calm and quiet. They are such as you have adjusted the spell cast upon them by an Insolitam, implying their conditions were worse than they are now. And then the trick with the gold, proving yourself to be the "Creator" of your world that you have boxed yourself within.

I believe what you mean is that something unusual happened when they were born, something you yourself caused by accident or otherwise, perhaps even something to their mother. You have done what you can to relieve what ails them and what you do is ongoing, effectively keeping you here with them lest their conditions worsen. It is truly a struggle whether I am correct or not. The one truth of this is that Anxius and Gailen are innocent and do deserve a brighter future.

15th May, 2020 - 12:35am / Post ID: #


Catam the Ranger

Reflections On Your Mother

~~Reflections of My Mother~~

My mother, bright and fair,
surrounded by her flaxen hair.
A gift to my father sublime,
He loved her for all time.
And I, a gift to them both,
love and honor and oath.
Her words my only guide,
to doubt means she lied.
Her smile deep in my mind,
aids my path to find,
what pulls my heart's strings
or become Ruler of Kings.

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15th May, 2020 - 6:33am / Post ID: #


Catam Ranger

While a Bully may be difficult for some a Bully is no match for me.

15th May, 2020 - 11:09am / Post ID: #


Catam Ranger Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

The Beauty of Lady Fluke

With heavy eyelids and feet,
I trudge seeking work.
Dismay is my fortune,
Skyward noses all lurk.
From crimson lips she speaks,
and beauty gives a task.
Put ink to parchment is said,
describe her allure she asks.
With golden mane and ocean eyes
my duty and honor are easily given
for her angelic visage raptures
and makes life worth living.

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