Abassi the Charmer

Abassi Charmer - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 23rd May, 2020 - 11:41pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

Posts: 4 - Views: 189
ROK II RPG Character 1174 Medieval Text Adventure
Post Date: 23rd May, 2020 - 10:20pm / Post ID: #

Abassi the Charmer
A Friend

Abassi the Charmer

My name is Abassi. My mother never told me why I was named Abassi, but I like to think that it was because she knew that one day I would get magnificent abs of steel. And she wasn't wrong.

My mother never liked talking about my father, but I know he must've been a draconian, since my mother is human and, well I'm a draconian.

Most people tend to see me as a charmer, after all I am one. And most people in my old town, always used to think I'd one day become the town drunk.

Apparently according to my mother I'm meant to become king or something like that. I'd love the attention if that managed to happen, but I don't know anything about ruling a kingdom.

My mothers never been wrong before so maybe I will become king, that would be pretty cool. I guess I could always try charming my way to the top, I'm pretty hot so it shouldn't be too hard.

I guess I'll describe myself if I somehow loose this thing, just so you know I'm telling the truth.

I've always had bright blue horns, they might not ever allow me to fit in with others, but hey I've always wanted to stand out.

I have a slimmer build then most of my kind, and well that doesn't necessarily help me in battle, it helps if I ever would need to run, that is if I don't manage to charm anyone who means to harm me.

As long as I manage to cover up my bright horns, my dark blue scales manage to keep me pretty stealthy. And if the need does ever come where I have to fight, I tend to be taller then most, around 6'4" and I've got a brutal pair of sharp silver claws.

Let's hope no one ever finds this… I probably wouldn't be dead, but I would rather this to never be read. Well, let's start this adventure.

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Post Date: 23rd May, 2020 - 10:48pm / Post ID: #

Abassi the Charmer
A Friend

Charmer Abassi

A Sentimental Value

As I was readying myself to finally leave home, I happened upon an old ring. I remember my mother once told me that it was one of fathers most prized possessions.

Its small and silver, it never would've been big enough to fit around my finger, but I guess it didn't fit around his either.

Instead it seemed to have been made into a necklace, with some strange metal forming the wire.

This ring didn't look like any ordinary ring, for two reasons… other then the whole necklace thing.

This might be simple and possibly not too noticeable, but its seems to have a carving of a dragon etched into it masterfully.

And the second reason is… well it glows, I don't know how but it seemed to emit a soft blue like glow, almost like blue fire.

So of course I hung it around my neck, because it might have many uses, but it definitely makes me hotter.

Post Date: 23rd May, 2020 - 11:17pm / Post ID: #

Abassi the Charmer
A Friend

Abassi the Charmer Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Advisor Description

So, today I met my supossed stepsister, and she says she wishes to help me out.

She approached me in the tavern, well I was talking up this woman, but no harm was done, she didn't seem like my type.

Apparently father had sent her, and I guess dad had a type, since she seemed to be just as human as mom.

It's kind of weird that she was watching me, but I'm fine with the attention, considering her attire which was full leather armor and a sword at her belt I'm assuming she's a fighter

The meeting it self was awkward, well mostly on her part, she doesn't seem to be much of a talker, I almost had to carry the entire conversation.

She said she wants to help me, and I'm not gonna turn down free help, espically with how little gold I have, and maybe she'll introduce me to some of her hot friends, I wouldn't mind that.

Post Date: 23rd May, 2020 - 11:41pm / Post ID: #

Abassi the Charmer
A Friend

Charmer Abassi

A new abode has been acquired and I, Abassi the Charmer, intend to full occupy the wooden structure.

> TOPIC: Abassi the Charmer


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