Thehandler Introduction

Thehandler Introduction - Introductions, Member Sharing - Posted: 26th Jun, 2020 - 3:02pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

Posts: 2 - Views: 228
Post Date: 26th Jun, 2020 - 3:01pm / Post ID: #

Thehandler Introduction
A Friend

Thehandler Introduction

Hi. I'm Thehandler. It's supposed to be TheHandler (The name is a reference to a song title), but it is what it is.

A very close friend of mine recently joined here for "Ruler of Kings 2," and he thought I'd like it, too. I read up on it, thought it was interesting, and decided to give it a shot.

Am I familiar with Role-playing Games? Yes, to a certain extent. I've played a little Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition through online means and had a great time. My favorite video game, "Guild Wars 2," is an MMORPG. I enjoy creating and elaborating on the stories of each of my characters (I have 18 in-game so far), especially since each of them is different. This level of creation is something I hope to expand on as I go through the adventure set forth here.

Will I venture into topics that don't concern the game? Well… Maybe. I do have outside interests that I like to discuss. Music is a passion of mine, so I'm likely to look there first and go from there.

Anyway, whether or not I pursue that, I hope to enjoy my time with the game. Maybe I'll meet some of you along the way. *smile*.

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Post Date: 26th Jun, 2020 - 3:02pm / Post ID: #

Introduction Thehandler

Welcome adventurer. The current Role-playing Game in this Community is Ruler of Kings II which is a text based Role-playing Game and not Dungeons & Dragons. I dare say, for the purpose of solo online entertainment while still maintaining a detailed character and imaginative development you will find that ROK II is far more diverse and engaging. You may also read: Ruler of Kings II vs Dungeons & Dragons.

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