Knobby the Humble

Knobby Humble - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 14th Aug, 2020 - 7:23pm

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Posts: 53 - Views: 1385
ROK II RPG Character 1219 Medieval Text Adventure
Post Date: 14th Aug, 2020 - 12:34am / Post ID: #

Knobby the Humble
A Friend

Knobby the Humble

My name is Knobby because it was the name of my Mother's best friend, who unfortunately lies buried under the sodden Earth. Although not my father by blood, he was my father nether the less. He raised me like his own son. I am Human because fate decreed I would be that way. I am 6fteet tall and slim of build. I have shoulder length Grey hair and green eyes. My skin is tanned through years of working in the field and my grey hair makes me look much older than I am. I am known as Humble as I speak quietly and will always help others when I am able.

During my years on the farm I came to love animals and raised them from birth. From an early age I decided not eat them or partake in their slaughter. It is my belief that the animals sense my love and I know I have a "way" with animals very few other creatures do. I have learned to heal them and deal with their afflictions and I see myself foremost as a druid.

I have seen how all creatures of all types and breeds can work together for the common good. My aim is to help unite animals/creatures where I can, organise or help liberate from their bondage or slavery and create a new order based on respect and tolerance. That said, if opposed with force, I will fight back with all the powers at my disposal. Sometimes force is required to undo an injustice or slavery. Peaceful solutions, although preferable, are not always the answer. Those in power are not going simply hand over power - at this point force is necessary. But what shape does force take? In life, force has many faces: insurgency, insurrection, sedition to name but a few. Sometimes one must be inside a regime to effect change. Now I take my leave to take steps to change my destiny - and that of others.

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Post Date: 14th Aug, 2020 - 12:51am / Post ID: #

Knobby the Humble
A Friend

Humble Knobby

A Sentimental Value

This plain gold ring is the ring of the man that raised me. It reminds me to be humble, unassuming yet it reminds me that I have weight and value in life. One day, when I am worthy to walk in his shoes, I will wear that ring. For now it rests on a plain chain around my neck.

Post Date: 14th Aug, 2020 - 1:40am / Post ID: #

Knobby the Humble
A Friend

Knobby the Humble Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Advisor Description

Being an attentive farmer, Knobby notices things when they change: the movement of cattle, their habits and if they are straying into dangerous territory. Being observant, Knobby soon realised and someone following him, and was is his nature, he confronted them in a calm Friendly non combinative manner. When Cora told him her story, he was overjoyed and immensely happy. He has a Stepsister on the man who was his like a father to him side.

Cora confirmed that when she visited her father's grave, she had a vision of my departure from my household to this very town. She immediately departed her village and came to find me. Upon arriving in town, she recognised me instantly as "you have our fathers looks" and began to follow me.

Cora seems like me - kind but firm. Gentle yet strong. I believe she is here to help me. She says she has a message for me, which I am yet to hear.

Post Date: 14th Aug, 2020 - 4:03am / Post ID: #

Knobby the Humble
A Friend

Humble Knobby

The Beauty of Lady Fluke

Thine eyes glitter as do the stars at night,
Thine teeth are like pearls, clear and bright,
Thine lips are like fine wine, ruby red and rich,
Thine hair is like silk, ever man it bewitch,
Thine skin is so clear, it radiates,
Thine neck is so smooth, it longs to be kissed,
I'd write even more, but I'm a totally .... Overwhelmed by thine beauty.

Post Date: 14th Aug, 2020 - 5:59pm / Post ID: #

Knobby the Humble
A Friend

Humble Knobby

I have defeated a Dog Rat. Let all know that it be by the mighty hands of Knobby the Humble.

Post Date: 14th Aug, 2020 - 6:24pm / Post ID: #

Knobby the Humble
A Friend

Knobby the Humble

I was a fool today and nearly died because of my foolishness. I found myself in a dungeon totally unprepared. I was in cloth armour with no weapons. I should have died but I felt "HE" was looking after me. This calmed me and I used what I had to hand - and these were indeed my hands - to defeat the dog creature. I came across. I moved on cautiously and avoided all further risks - and reward. Still it is reward enough to be alive and I thank HIM for keeping me that way.

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Post Date: 14th Aug, 2020 - 7:13pm / Post ID: #

Knobby the Humble
A Friend

Knobby Humble

Most beautiful lady of Knobby

Her long flowing hair was as black as the night, wrought with curls both large and small. Her skin was dusky and dark, as tanned by the noon day sun. Here eyes was as dark as her hair yet big and oval, like almonds, with long luscious tantalising lashes. High cheekbones framed a small straight nose and thick, full red lips were the gateway to her perfectly formed chin. Wide of shoulder, slim of hip and wide of thigh, she had a body that suggested fullness and confidence. She moved assuredly, her long tanned legs striding the ground with an elegant grace. And her smell! She smelled that musky, seductive scent that drives men wild. She was perfection, sweet perfection, and I knew I would go to the ends of the earth to be with her.

Post Date: 14th Aug, 2020 - 7:23pm / Post ID: #

Knobby the Humble
A Friend

Knobby Humble Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

A Bat Swarm was one of the enemies that I laid low this day.

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