Do I introduce myself to a blank piece of paper? I suppose I shall, as this is a record of my thoughts and adventures from now on.
I am Thera the Scholar, although my mother thought I was too deep into books. Although she was happy about my intelligence and need for knowledge, she also would be verbal about me needing to strengthen my body.
I am 16 and of age to explore the world on my own. As I was forced to start this journey, I am not as prepared as I would have hoped for. I am hoping to find an old friend in the Town to help me along my way.
My mother always spoke about my destiny, the path I would eventually take. I suppose this is the first step in that vision.
A Sentimental Value
The shield I took is of practicality and sentimental value. I know I am weak in body, so having the extra defense will help me if I get into trouble. This was also my father's shield, used to train me the few times I cared to practice.
Advisor Description
As a child, Tilly was one of the few children who was brave enough to wonder close to our homestead. She was unafraid of the childish rumors that surrounded us, and became a good friend. Over the years, our time spent together lessened, but letters were always being exchanged.
I was not surprised to find out she was helping me out with me knowing.
I, Thera the Scholar, after much toil and perseverance have finally been able to obtain a wooden abode to call my own.
A Dog Rat died due to my unique combat skills.
A Bat Swarm attacked me but I made the final blow that left the Bat Swarm dead.
Let it be known that I, Thera, have attained Level 1 and as such have grown in both ability and endurance.
Now that I have attained Level 2 among my people, ye shall see a more powerful Thera than otherwise might have been known.