January 6th US Capitol Insurrection - Page 4 of 6

I still don’t see how I implied any sort - Page 4 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 14th Mar, 2022 - 5:15pm

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  January 6th US Capitol Insurrection Ali Alexander was the organizer.
Post Date: 9th Nov, 2021 - 10:37pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

January 6th US Capitol Insurrection - Page 4

6 Trump advisers subpoenaed by Jan. 6 committee, including lawyer who told Pence how to challenge election results. The committee’s chairman, Rep. Bennie Thompson, said in a statement that former President Donald Trump’s “closest allies and advisors drove a campaign of misinformation about the election and planned ways to stop the count of Electoral College votes.” Source 6x.

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Post Date: 12th Feb, 2022 - 11:10pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Insurrection Capitol th January

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack found gaps in White House phone records during periods it is known former President Donald Trump was contacting associates, according to media reports. Source 5f.

Post Date: 3rd Mar, 2022 - 8:04pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

January 6th US Capitol Insurrection History & Civil Business Politics

Jan 6 committee alleges Trump and others engaged in criminal conspiracy amid bid to overturn election. In a Wednesday court filing, the special House committee investigating the deadly Jan. 6 attack said for the first time that it had gathered evidence indicating that former President Donald Trump and others "Engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States" by pushing false theories of election fraud and pressuring former Vice President Mike Pence to invalidate the 2020 election. Source 4r.

Post Date: 13th Mar, 2022 - 1:57am / Post ID: #

January 6th US Capitol Insurrection
A Friend

Page 4 Insurrection Capitol th January

I’m amazed this gets so much attention yet the violent liberal group ANTIFA attacks and takes over part of Washington using weapons and Molotov cocktails. They burn major parts of the city of Seattle and wall off a section of it, even naming their newly conquered territory CHAZ making it so that even the police will not enter. However because they were liberal you don’t see much about it on any mainstream news, you have to search for it. If conservatives did that there would be all sorts of law suits and constant blame being pointed at Trump. It would be front page news daily. Yet once again because they were liberals the law and news look the other way. The same thing happened many years ago during a tea party rally where the worst thing that happened was one person got spit on yet the news acted like it was the worst thing to ever happen in America.

13th Mar, 2022 - 12:40pm / Post ID: #

Insurrection Capitol th January

In my opinion, none of what you said justifies an attack on the capitol. The argument you are giving is the same as using past crimes by others to justify current crimes by some. I don't agree with ANY kind of violence to protest and I don't agree with tit for tat either. Both sides need to demonstrate their opposition without being violent and killing people.

International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 174 ActivistPoliticianSenior Politician 17.4%

Post Date: 13th Mar, 2022 - 1:50pm / Post ID: #

January 6th US Capitol Insurrection
A Friend

January 6th US Capitol Insurrection

I agree, I’m not saying what they did was ok. Nor did I imply any justification and I don’t know where you got that from in my post. What I’m saying is the attention from the media and other places is biased and leans one way. It’s been like that for many years. When the left does something bad it is mostly swept under the rug. Or they will cover it just enough to say that they gave it attention. When the right does something bad it is usually plastered all over for everyone to see for a long time. Again, my post wasn’t saying what they did was good, I was pointing out the hypocrisy of mainstream media. Unfortunately that hypocritical reporting sways votes.

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14th Mar, 2022 - 2:29pm / Post ID: #

January 6th Capitol Insurrection - Page 4

What was done on the January 6th was a criminal and political act. What the media does is their business… specially since each media outlet has politics of its own. Other acts do not justify this, media coverage does not justify this but there are people using different types of social media to stir up people to commit violence. This topic isn't about if the media is fair or impartial.

Attached Image Edited: Krusten on 14th Mar, 2022 - 2:30pm

International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 174 ActivistPoliticianSenior Politician 17.4%

Post Date: 14th Mar, 2022 - 5:15pm / Post ID: #

January 6th US Capitol Insurrection
A Friend

January 6th Capitol Insurrection Politics Business Civil & History - Page 4

I still don’t see how I implied any sort of justification in my post as you originally mentioned. However, if the problem is you disagree with me making a point in this specific forum about the fairness of news coverage then that’s a bit different. The title of this topic is “January 6th US Capital Insurrection” other than that I don’t see any specific rules in which way we have to explicitly talk about the topic. The title is very general. My post includes the topic associated with this title, but also with an example of news media in general. Anyway, originally you seemed worried about me justifying the actions of the people during the riot, which I didn’t in any way try to justify. Now you are worried about where I should put my posts even if they include the topic.

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