Vulog the Wanderer

Vulog Wanderer - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 23rd Mar, 2021 - 9:14pm

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Posts: 45 - Views: 604
ROK II RPG Character 1315 Medieval Text Adventure
23rd Mar, 2021 - 7:04pm / Post ID: #

Vulog the Wanderer

I was an only child. Had to be. The pain I caused my family by my birth was enough for multiple lifetimes. I don't speak of physical pain, no, for my birth was an easy and quick one. It was what came immediately after that edified their sorrow. I had been born with mostly Draconian blood to the bewilderment of my parents. Their heritage being of mostly different elven descent. The rest of the villagers reacted with surprise that eventually turned into acceptiveness of the lowest form, keeping their distance from me whenever possible.
The village cleric especially took interest in me from birth, being there from time to time along my youth. His intentions were always somewhat obscure to me growing up, though I was young and did not see it for what it was until later.
Despite the villagers attitude towards me I was able to grow up a somewhat normal life. From an early age, early as I can remember at least, my mother instilled balance to me.
She always said to me " Son, to be the type of person that you strive to become one day, you must keep in balance your key elements of Mind, Body, and Soul"
So to heed her advice, I would always try to keep that in my head while I was doing any task. I found it easier with some, harder with others. I'd always consult my mother at the end of the day, if I could, about what my challenges are. This made it easier to identify my weakness early on, so has I could focus of improving them.
I found the sword fairly easy while Practicing with Father, he said this would be my strong suit. I'd relish our trainings due to him being away for war for so long. As a child I would love hearing stories from mother telling of father in battle. She always left out the gruesome parts, bless her for that. My training with magick was a bit more difficult, due to the fact my father was elven and I was a draconid. Still, I managed to become familiar with my body very quickly.
My passion from an early age was to become the king and to help my family never struggle again. My parents always encouraged me, at the same time reminding me that we did not live a life of poverty. I did not care, in my eyes my family deserved the best the world had to offer and nothing less. It had to be so just for the fact that they lovingly raised me. I decided that my rule would be a just and fair one whilst also maintaining control and favour.
My plans are to start small with simple jobs and earn my way to the top. I know it won't be easy, but nothing worth having ever is. My life is on the line, which means my family's life line is as well. I'll make sure to honor them in all that I do, but I also know I will need to become my own self and not one of those around me. I look forward to my journey to the throne.

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23rd Mar, 2021 - 7:14pm / Post ID: #

Wanderer Vulog

A Sentimental Value

As I head out I grab the ring my Father always wore in battle. He said it was lucky but Mother always told me behind his back that he's just humble about his skill. I idolized that about him, in fact I strive to achieve that level of mind. I slide on the ring, it fits perfectly despite my large stature and hands, which is strange but I choose not to question it too much. Now is time for me to start my real journey!

23rd Mar, 2021 - 7:18pm / Post ID: #

Vulog the Wanderer Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

My builders have completed meh wooden abode so that I, Vulog will abide there.

23rd Mar, 2021 - 7:30pm / Post ID: #

Wanderer Vulog

Advisor Description

It turns out that the cleric in my village, Sven, had connections in the military. He got himself in charge of a battalion! It seems strange that he is here with me but nonetheless it's good to have a familiar face.

23rd Mar, 2021 - 8:34pm / Post ID: #

Wanderer Vulog

No one shall lay low Vulog the Wanderer. I, Vulog, have died but am alive again! This adventure is not over. Vulog shall conquer this destiny of fate even if it is the 1st time.

23rd Mar, 2021 - 9:07pm / Post ID: #

Vulog the Wanderer

House of Sorrows

So you have had an unbreakable curse placed on your sons at birth. I see your son anxius bears resemblance to his namesake. This curse you speak of piques my interest. I'm curious as well why it targets your boys. I can relate to that because I was otrishized myself as a child. I can only imagine your worry as a father knowing your sons. I will make it a point of my travels to search for anything that could help you in dispelling this curse. You as a father shouldnt have to bear this burden alone.

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23rd Mar, 2021 - 9:14pm / Post ID: #

Vulog Wanderer

A Soldier attacked me but I made the final blow that left the Soldier dead.

23rd Mar, 2021 - 9:14pm / Post ID: #

Vulog Wanderer Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

I, Vulog the Wanderer, was attacked by a Dog Rat and was victorious in combat.

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