Will Veganism Take Over The World?

Will Veganism World - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 30th Apr, 2021 - 4:00pm

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26th Apr, 2021 - 4:41pm / Post ID: #

Will Veganism Take Over The World?

I often see people make reference to the great strides veganism is making and that it will take over the world of meat and dairy. While veganism is making great strides I sadly do not see it making a significant global change anytime soon. Meat and dairy are so heavily entrenched in society both culturally and monetarily that it would take generations for them to start to feel empathy towards animals and for man to be humble enough to accept that he is not the lord of the planet. Even so, I do see progress here and there and once we go forward that is a good thing. What are your thoughts?

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26th Apr, 2021 - 9:19pm / Post ID: #

World The Take Veganism Will

In the future when more people embrace being a vegan I think this will not be an issue anymore because there will be actual stores of all types for vegans from grocers to pharmacies to restaurants but for now I have to pick what I can hoping that it increases their options for vegans.

27th Apr, 2021 - 7:14pm / Post ID: #

Will Veganism Take Over The World? Health & Special Psychology

I think lab grown meat is much more likely to take over traditional meat sources than a shift towards full veganism. I say this as a vegan myself. At the same time, there has been an exponential increase in the amount of self identifying vegans or even people that have drastically reduced their meat consumption. At least in the UK, in the last 2 years or so the amount of vegan alternatives have exploded (Mostly in big cities, I am aware). I also feel Genzzzis much more aware of their consumption in general and are tending towards veganism much more than previous generations.

30th Apr, 2021 - 4:00pm / Post ID: #

World The Take Veganism Will

For me, my favorite food is at home where I can control what goes into it. However, for the sake of dining out I prefer a mostly vegan establishment rather than one that tries to throw a few things on the menu just to say they 'offer' something to vegans.

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