Meat Eaters vs Vegans In Debate

Meat Eaters Vegans Debate - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 29th Apr, 2021 - 12:55am

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29th Apr, 2021 - 12:55am / Post ID: #

Meat Eaters vs Vegans In Debate

So someone invites me to a group for Discussion and the headline of the group says it caters for honest, friendly and useful debate between meat eaters and vegans. Yet it seemed to be a pit to allow meat eaters to simply troll vegans with whimsical and nonsensical statements and net talk. I think this is where people do not understand the difference between debate and just being silly. It is one of the reasons I built this Community.... To have constructive Discussion… something I see little of in social media. This is what I said: As a parent of 3 children on the spectrum I only have enough time for the headline which states, "Friendly Useful Debates". I never expect everyone to agree but again it should be done as "Friendly" and "Useful". There is a difference between debating a topic and attacking the intelligence of a person. There is nothing friendly nor useful about it.

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