Why Aren't Their More Older Vegan People Joining The Vegan Movement?

Why Aren' T Older Vegan People Joining Vegan - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 25th Jun, 2021 - 11:09am

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1st Jun, 2021 - 11:15am / Post ID: #

Why Aren't Their More Older Vegan People Joining The Vegan Movement?

I was reading someone's contribution wherein they said that as a young person it was easy for him to become vegan but he does not see the same with older people. This was my response: I don't know if age is as much a factor as the person's ability to be humble (Teachable) and empathetic. I believe any reasonable person, once shown what their actions can have on others, will make the change. However, we live in a very selfish narcissistic world where people mostly care about their immediate desires and nothing else hence they don't see vegan ideals as important to them. In their mind you are just trying to make life less enjoyable because they do not care about anyone or anything.

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23rd Jun, 2021 - 2:46pm / Post ID: #

Movement Vegan Joining People Vegan Older Their Arent Why

I guess it's a question of a lifetime habit, not many people like changes at this age. I know an old couple and if I invite them to a restaurant every time they will order the same kind of food.

23rd Jun, 2021 - 3:00pm / Post ID: #

Why Aren't Their More Older Vegan People Joining The Vegan Movement? Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

This isn't just about eating your favorite food this is about the killing and torturing of innocent life when it is not necessary or needed. Plant based foods have all the nutrition we need to live.

Post Date: 24th Jun, 2021 - 11:51am / Post ID: #

Why Aren't Their More Older Vegan People Joining The Vegan Movement?
A Friend

Movement Vegan Joining People Vegan Older Their Arent Why

I believe that at this point in the lives of the older people, they want to spend their remaining years without being mindful on their choices in life.

I have this particular thought that when we were young we had the mindset of "Living the proper way of life". However, as we grow older, most of us start developing a trait of "What will be, will be".

Having lived a great number of experiences, to be restrained from a singular preference, I think, is something the older people no longer have the luxury to be bothered with it.

24th Jun, 2021 - 2:57pm / Post ID: #

Movement Vegan Joining People Vegan Older Their Arent Why

So basically you're saying that as you grow older your sense of duty, empathy and caring reaches the point that you couldn't care less? Sorry, I don't buy that.

Post Date: 25th Jun, 2021 - 7:29am / Post ID: #

Why Aren't Their More Older Vegan People Joining The Vegan Movement?
A Friend

Why Aren't Their More Older Vegan People Joining The Vegan Movement?

Let's get that straight. Being vegan is not a "Duty". It is not a mandatory obligation that everyone has to do. It is a choice one can have if they are in agreement with what that choice offers.

Attached Image Edited: Dentatus on 25th Jun, 2021 - 7:30am

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25th Jun, 2021 - 11:09am / Post ID: #

Why Aren't Their Older Vegan People Joining Vegan Movement

You're not vegan so that is why you're saying that, however you're so wrong because we share the planet we don't own it so we have no right to be killing other species for our jollies. So it is our DUTY to understand that.

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