Ragnemundus the Weird

Ragnemundus Weird - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 13th Sep, 2021 - 1:28pm

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ROK II RPG Character 1342 Medieval Text Adventure
9th Jun, 2021 - 3:42pm / Post ID: #


Ragnemundus the Weird

My name is Ragnemundus,actually is Ramon Cruzifix,but I only refer to myself as the former. I am at the age of 16 or 16 according to the years of man.I am known as the Weird,for my complex and unnecessary perspective in life… and because I refer to myself as such so it sticked.

I was born a Human because my parents were human as well,though I cannot truly trace any sort of ethnicity or bloodline I come directly from as my ancestors are incredibly mixed.

I have over 1,82 meters with a slightly chubby build. I have black hair with average brown eyes. My brown skin and a random sense of style is one of the reasons I created my title,as it doens't make sense..to me.

I interest myself with many different perspectives and concepts,leading to my unability to define what I truly like and enjoy,but the workings of the bigger picture combined with the complexity of my own view of self feels like a strange contrast,whose answers I search in the research of others and sometimes in the learning of the mystic.I don't trust most concepts about the forces beyond us,but I am fascinated by the magic they learned to hold and I wish to learn it as well,even if my limitations stray me from my goal constantly through fear and vice.

I never truly understood what is required to become the Ruler of Kings,but I think a King should be wise and aware of what it rules.My dilemma is that though knowledge is power,understanding is control,so I cannot claim mastery on something if I don't understand it enough so I can spread teachings of its workings further. I know my perspective does not match my age or appeareance sometimes as there are limitations in people's concept of intellect and maturity,and I am aware that my view is flawed by wounds of the past,but I seek to grow with these wounds.For they are mine,mine alone.

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9th Jun, 2021 - 4:31pm / Post ID: #


Weird Ragnemundus

A Sentimental Value

This ring is symbolic to me,to the things I won and lost,like friends and family,and to the knowledge that in the end only I will remain by my side.I've had it for years and hopefully I won't lose it.

9th Jun, 2021 - 4:31pm / Post ID: #


Ragnemundus the Weird Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Advisor Description

As I visit the town for the first time and approach its gates,a man who appears to be around my age approaches me,as he seemed to be waiting outside the city.He comes closer to me,as I start to recall him from a long time ago,though he looks much older like me.He tells me with his youthful yet stern voice that the message of my arrival has well… arrived sooner than he expected.I was incredibly confused and asked him who he was.He claimed that though we never talked or interacted much,his father asked that he might suceed him in the future by helping me around for some reason.He seems to have some knowledge over me,which sounds unsettling to me as I prefer knowing about others more than the opposite.But he sounded friendly,even if he didn't knew I am aware that deception can come with a smily face.Actually,as we ventured inside he started to explain to me some things related to the city and how to carve my path in here,which prompted me to ask why he is helping me.He said that he knows who I was… "before"my "death" and that what is happeniow is somehow a retelling of a tale that didn't work,which left me incredibly confused.He claims he doens't know much about this,he only remembers fragmented memories of what his father named "memories from past existences" and that he was told that making this time work is more important.Clearly we both don't know what this is about and we are probably just thrown into a situation that is beyond us.He said he is doing this out of respect for his father and my parents as they indirectly sometime ago aided his family.I thank him,though I make clear I still don't understand why he knows me from how vague this explanation was.He agrees and claims he doesn't know either but hopes we can find out one day.He had to leave due to some friends of him calling him,we said goodbye and I kept on my own,still confused with the encounter… he forgot to say his name even.But his friends made the pleasure of shouting his name:Captain Arkunoz… which surprised me why a boy my age was being called a captain.I hope that later I can ask more.

9th Jun, 2021 - 5:00pm / Post ID: #


Weird Ragnemundus

Worship of Celeste

Celeste,who melts the chains of metal and sin,
Who calls the virtue to overcome and win,
Who frees the body and mind from vice,
Who knows our mistakes will come more than twice,

As I pray,you can feel
What I was,long dead and unreal,
but now reborn,through boredom or will.
Will I become like before,naive to the world
will I learn to free my mind from fear,and be brave and bold.

I am bound to my Chaos,
for my Order was torn apart
I needed to break the chains that my mind crafted,
to be reborn,reshaped into one who knows it plays a part.
Was it worth it?To change my view?
Or am I trapped?In my mental feud?

Through rhyme and song,my prayer is sent
To flourish harmony and sing until I repent.
Be free,and we follow thee,
mighty Celeste.

9th Jun, 2021 - 5:15pm / Post ID: #


Weird Ragnemundus

Relation Description

Theodor is what some people consider to be average-looking,short hair and an average build.His cheeks are full and his eyes are calm-looking,his lips are built in a way that seems to carry no worries.He walks as he feels like it in the moment,his clothes are usually simple,but he like to leave his arms more exposed.He wears hats sometimes,but his hair is short and wavy.His calm smile is probably his greatest trait.

11th Jun, 2021 - 1:26pm / Post ID: #


Ragnemundus the Weird

Reflections On Your Mother

My mother… I remember her quite well.I remember many of her teachings,the things she valued and the things she never cared for.I know I came out quite different than she perceived me to be but at least she said she was proud.As a son,i thought that was enough.I know my potential now,a potential she gave me and I hope I can achieve it to my max.

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11th Jun, 2021 - 1:26pm / Post ID: #


Ragnemundus Weird

Message to Advisor

Today was nice.I'm starting to develop a life around here,i took an Assignment from Dubheasa to find flowers at Llafair.I'm not sure how to find them,but for now I at least reached the city.Its quite nice here,and is full of magic.Which I personally like,actually.I hope I learn something around here.Anyway,have a good night friend!

13th Sep, 2021 - 1:28pm / Post ID: #


Ragnemundus Weird Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

Ragnemundus the Weird is raised. I, Ragnemundus, have died but am alive again! A title of Weird did not protecteth me from my 1st amazed death. No more must mine cause bring me to this point.

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