Damian the Good

Damian Good - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 30th Aug, 2021 - 2:15pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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ROK II RPG Character 1370 Medieval Text Adventure
30th Aug, 2021 - 11:53am / Post ID: #


Damian the Good

I am Damian, I was given this name by my mother to honor my great grandfather whose name was also Damian. I am called the Good because I like helping people and being just. I am born human because my parents were human.

I stand at six feet tall with an above average body type. I have black hair and average brown eyes. My tan skin and a tidy appearance is what I look like.

I barely know what path I should follow considering this is my first time going out to the wold beyond my village. Maybe I will be a fighter, or a mage, a cleric, some combination of the three? I do not know but I intend to find out.

My goals are to find out more about this world that I live, Learn all I can, find my purpose, and go from there. I await my adventure with excitement and trepidation.

I am not sure on this Ruler of Kings business, what different am I from other people?, what can I bring to the world that others can't? I barely know what I am doing! Maybe this doubt and unawareness would be my downfall. I need to be more sure of myself and find out what Mother was talking about!

If I am aiming to be a ruler, I need to travel everywhere, be worthy of my title, find allies and friends, build up renown and be trusted by all, that is my strategy for now.

Thus I now start this path toward life…

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30th Aug, 2021 - 12:44pm / Post ID: #


Good Damian

A Sentimental Value

Before leaving my childhood home, I searched for an item that will remind me of my past and keep me grounded for the journey to come. After searching the house, I found my mother's potrait in a chest, which hit me with a sense of melancholy. I will be leaving my mother alone in a journey I might not return from. I took the potrait to remind me of her, and I hope her potrait will remind me to never stray into the dark in this adventure.

30th Aug, 2021 - 1:27pm / Post ID: #


Damian the Good Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Advisor Description

Gregory and I met at the streets of the town, on a sunny morning, He was wearing a priest outfit, but he somehow manage to secretly watch me for a decent amount of time, which is rather scary. I do not know how to feel about him watching me, though I am sure he has a reason considering priests don't just watch some random person in the streets for fun. The meeting was cordial, he introduced himself as a priest and was pretty jovial, said he had been watching me from some time and wanted to follow me in my journey, I asked him why but he wouldn't answer. Having a priest would be helpful in making the people happy and such so I accepted his request. I don't know what Gregory want with me, but I am sure he will tell, in due time.

30th Aug, 2021 - 2:15pm / Post ID: #


Good Damian

Deity of Damian

Stevarr, the Just, the Merciful, the Good. He is the God of goodness since the dawn of man. He was worshipped and proclaimed as a god along time ago, his powers are mighty. To the good and just, he gives them blessings, to the unrepentant and truly evil, he strikes like a mighty hammer, or so the legend say. He has golden eyes, black hair, black beard, and a mighty warhammer as his weapon He wores exquisite armor made out of the best metal, and his words ring powerful and true.

> TOPIC: Damian the Good


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