Yasmin the Merchant

Yasmin Merchant - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 19th Sep, 2021 - 12:54pm

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ROK II RPG Character 1381 Medieval Text Adventure
19th Sep, 2021 - 12:38pm / Post ID: #


Yasmin the Merchant

I, am Yasmin. I was given this name because it meant A God's Gift in Persian. I am at the age of 16 or 16 according to the years of man. I am known as the Merchant because I can sell everything to everyone as I want.

I was born a Human because my parents were both Human.

I stan 5'7 feet tall with a curvy body. I have black hair with big blue eyes. My tan skin and a comely appearance in general makes me unique.

I see myself as one who follows druids. I want to establishing a successful business by first starting a trade in the town or buying low and sell high. I generally view alliances as something benefit me.

I intend to do the best merchant in order to become the next Ruler of Kings. It should be known that I am an independent woman. Thus, I now start this path towards life.

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19th Sep, 2021 - 12:54pm / Post ID: #


Merchant Yasmin

A Sentimental Value: Ring, Fancy

Not wanting to leave my childhood home without something of value, I made a brief search of the grounds around the house, and came across a fancy ring. This ring is my mother's. My father gave it to my mother when he proposed to my mother. It reminded me of my parent's fantastic love story. I will keep this ring so I have something to look to whenever I lost my motivation. And also keep in my mind that I have to find such a true love like my parent's.

> TOPIC: Yasmin the Merchant


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