I, am Vicki. I was given this name, so it would lend me fortune in emerging victorious from whichever perilous events I would come to experience. I am known as the Humble, for I refuse to forget my humble origins and to take advantage of my higher station.
I was born a Hobbit, for my parents have arrived to the Lands of Man in search for fortune. My father had later been hired as a mercenary saboteur by the Army.
I stand no more than three inches tall with a thin, lean frame. My heart-shaped face is adorned with a pair of large green eyes and crowned with a head of straight black hair that reach past my shoulders.
I see myself as a person of faith, who is also formidable with a blade. I aim to spark hope and joy within the needy by addressing their dire needs the best to my ability. I generally view alliances as means of developing bountiful friendships.
I aim to gain the common folk's support in order to become the next Ruler of Kings. It should be known that I am a listener keen on furthering everyone's betterment. Thus, I now start this path towards adventure!
A Sentimental Value: Metal
One item that I hold particularly dearly is a round metal shield - a souvenir of sorts, that my father brought from one of his military campaigns. He and his fellow Hobbit mercenaries dared each other to steal an item from the barracks of Royal Army they had served.
My father had set his eyes on this shield I am currently wearing slung on my back. His endeavour proved a little too ambitious, however, as he soon found himself caught by the Army's quartermaster. There is no telling whether it was thanks to my father's silver tongue or this quartermaster's jolly disposition, or both - but the man not only let him go without much trouble, but even let him keep this shield.
I now carry it with intent to protect myself and my precious allies and friends, so it may serve a purpose even greater than just a testament to my kind's knack for mischief and thrills.
Advisor Description
It was a cold, rainy day when I first set foot in The Town's Tavern. The precious folks inside all made good effort in making me feel welcome, but one person among those stood out for me in particular.
Lilith stood no more than two feet taller than myself with healthy, pear-shaped frame. The two narrow hazel eyes adorning her pale, freckled visage screamed wisdom that most would fail to realise at a first glance, or even long afterwards. She also wore a head of wavy brown hair that reached past her jawline.
Speaking of wisdom, a brief conversation revealed that Lilith possessed a great bulk of knowledge pertaining not only to the happenings in the Tavern or its immediate vicinity but also to the decades-old history of The Town, in great detail. Turns out, she long aspired to pursue scholarly endeavours, but her humble upbringing did not quite allow her to do so.
Regardless, she did have a rather bubbly disposition, one that made talking to her most pleasant. Accounting for her vast knowledge also, I figured her for someone worth keeping around - not only as an advisor, but as a friend too. Even though she is rather skeptical of my ambitions, I cannot honestly blame her - becoming the Ruler of Kings is indeed an ambitious endeavour, after all!
Deity of Vicki
Beocca is a Goddess commonly revered by us Hobbits. She embodies values that great most of my folk live by - namely, fellowship and hospitality. Rather than praising her in a dedicated temple, we worship her by keeping our homes in order, ready to welcome an unexpected guest.
Such is the case, for we believe Beocca to visit us mortals every once in a while, veiled in disguise - be it either a decrepit beggar, a widow, or goodness knows who else, therefore we must best prepare to receive her.