My name is Dante, and I am a bard.
In my readings I heard it said
A great king must be a philosopher
So guard your crown, I'm led to her
By fate and words and faded wards
The stars that guide me through the night
this land deserves a noble soul
who hoards no gold but sights life's goal
it's my duty to become king
To see peasants and children sing.
A Sentimental Value: Ring of Solace
As I left the family farm I found an old ring on the path. I don't see how it could have gotten there. Perhaps fate is presenting a small welcoming gift as I begin my journey of enlightenment both internal and external. Whenever I glance upon my hand I will remember my resolve to help this land in whatever way I can. I don't expect anything more from fate; rather it is fate that eagerly expects more of me.
Advisor Description
I saw a prominent politician walking through the market square, and considered becoming acquainted, to further my status. But then I noticed a poor boy about my age attempting to pickpocket him. He was doing a poor job of it, and the nobleman was beginning to turn around. He would be caught any moment. So naturally I ran up and hugged the thief. The politician turned to see two friends hugging, albeit very close to him, and ignored us. I quickly rushed this boy to a side-street and explained how near danger he had been. He was holding something in his hand: The Noble's silk handkerchief. He expressed his gratitude, and we became fast friends. I aim to teach him the higher path, the harder path, so full of fulfilment it has no room left for theft.
House of Sorrows
How well I understand this man, JB's, words! Just yesternoon I encountered a wretched boy forced to thievery by a society that took his inheritance through tax after tax while teaching him that he must possess wealth to be of any worth. The politician he almost stole from would have likely had him killed: if he'd been caught: for stealing whatever he managed to grab, gold at worst. Holding a base metal above a noble soul, calling the metal noble and the child base. My own inheritance, claimed by the lord of my family's region, upon my parent's deaths. Who knows what terrors this man before me now has seen. No doubt his inherent power would have driven those who claim to hold heaven-sent authority into a frenzy! The specifics of his nature escape even me, how much more bewildering it must be to those who have never trained their souls to fly. The anxiety of the outcast is well presented in this house, and I fear I understand that all too well. Before me is the very embodiment of why I must become king: To stop this debasing villainy from ever occuring within the gilded palaces of this land.
Deity of Dante
She is a humble deity. So humble She would not even reveal her name. She has a special love for the outcast and poor. My new friend and sometimes advisor introduced me to the worship of her. Her temples are looked down upon by the aristocracy surrounding the monarch, as they sport no stained glass or golden chandeliers. Instead all the funds received go directly to helping the poor. She wants the same thing that I, Dante, want: A kingdom that cares for all its members. Especially the lower-order.