Sovereign the Wanderer

Sovereign Wanderer - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 7th Dec, 2021 - 8:11pm

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ROK II RPG Character 1417 Medieval Text Adventure
7th Dec, 2021 - 5:44pm / Post ID: #


Sovereign the Wanderer

My name is Sovereign I once had a last name but, that was lost to the time I have spent wandering the lands. I remember little of my childhood on the exception of ambition as well as a gruesome scene, as much as I don't want to admit it still haunts me to this day. Now I do believe a self-description is in order as you already know my name it is only fair that you know my appearance. I stand roughly at six feet tall, I flaunt a thin long-limbed build perfect if I were to practice the blade. Unfortunately for those poor maidens who will have to settle for a different prince charming my interests lie in the arcane and diplomatic arts. My hair could only be compared to long noir silk. As I am draconian my lower back is lined in silver scales, my shoulders and lower eyes share that description. If you were to ask me I am exceptionally beautiful, none of the men or women that I have granted the luxury of my bed has yet to refuse my advances. If you've read this far I suppose you wish to know how I spent my time this last year, I more or less progressed on my understanding of the arcane and advanced literature, which is essential if I wish my plan of becoming king be true. You may be thinking to yourself, "oh Sovereign how does thou plan to conceive such a daring prospect!" Simple I will become the king's right-hand magician as I am still young I plan to have the crown prince/ess fall for me whether I develop my own feelings for said royal is unimportant as my goal lies beyond something as feeble and unreliable as love. Love has no real power, no effect other than the ability to manipulate one another, and if were you think such a train of thought is false. If any of love's power truly existed perhaps… my mother would not have passed and I could have a home to go back to after days full of exhausting work, fights, or even plotting, someone to… love me back.

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7th Dec, 2021 - 5:54pm / Post ID: #


Wanderer Sovereign

A Sentimental Value: Ring, Gold

This ring has little value to me, alas I do not wish to part with it, I am not sure as to why. I do not wear the ring itself but I enjoy simply holding the ring within my grasp, it's a warm feeling, not one I am used to, but it is a kind reminder of the life and home I used to have.

7th Dec, 2021 - 8:11pm / Post ID: #


Sovereign the Wanderer Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Advisor Description

It was a long day of travel before I have arrived at my first stop on my way to be king. These past few days I have felt a rather intent presence watching me, I believed it was some wild animal or bandit and that they would cease their stalking when I set foot in town. For an hour or two, I did not feel said presence which led me to believe I was alone once more on my travels. Not long after I was confronted by a well-dressed man in his late fifties he was strong chinned with broad shoulders and stood with the discipline of a high-ranking soldier. He introduced himself as Sven an aristocrat of rather high standing, he refused to tell me as to why he was following me, simply put all he had to say is that he owed a favor to my mother and that he wishes to assist me in my rise to the throne. As mysterious as this whole encounter was Sven is my best chance of maneuvering through the harsh blizzard of throne room politics as well as growing my fortune and fame amongst the rest of the nobles aiming for the throne.

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