Malabar the Alchemist

Malabar Alchemist - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 4th Jan, 2022 - 12:35pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

Posts: 6 - Views: 1274
ROK II RPG Character 1420 Medieval Text Adventure
Post Date: 1st Jan, 2021 - 10:55pm / Post ID: #

Malabar the Alchemist
A Friend

Malabar the Alchemist

My father's chosen name for me, and the one by which I am therefore known, is Malabar. 'The Alchemist', a title by which I am often described, was gained owing to my nascent abilities to effect change in a variety of ways, abilities that are still developing now, at my age of 16 human years, or 5.3 Elvish years.I mention this as my human father married an Elvish wife, my mother, after winning a battle for her against another, Elvish, suitor.
My race means I am relatively tall, 6 feet high, with dark hair and pale skin, combined with a somewhat melancholy demeanour.
Only through change both within and without can the goal to be Ruler of Kings be accomplished. Always remember: What was, shall be..and as above, so below.
And so the journey begins… with this one small step, my tale opens, leading wherever it may....

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Post Date: 1st Jan, 2021 - 11:08pm / Post ID: #

Malabar the Alchemist
A Friend

Alchemist Malabar

A Sentimental Value: Lorica Parchment

This Lorica parchment had long attracted my curiosity and exercised my imagination, indecipherable to me as it has always been however often I looked at it where it hung, framed, on the living-room wall throughout my childhood.
I am convinced it holds some secret knowledge that I am meant to understand, and so I have carefully removed it from its casing and now carry it with me always, rolled up and stored in the folds of my cloak, to be examined as required in future.

Post Date: 1st Jan, 2021 - 11:51pm / Post ID: #

Malabar the Alchemist
A Friend

Malabar the Alchemist Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Advisor Description

Eyes… I could feel them on me. Looking over my shoulder after I left the tavern fully fed and freshly bathed, I caught sight of a small figure clad in white. As she waved at me, I realised that on some level I knew her, remembering some talk of my parents in years past about another child… could this be her, my elusive step-sister?
Our first somewhat tentative conversation confirmed this, and her name, which I had long since forgotten: Lorelei, the siren of legend luring sailors to their death.... 'Spare me that, dear sister!', I said to her, only half in jest. But it seems that her presence here is to be beneficial to me, an assistance to me in my future aims.

Post Date: 2nd Jan, 2021 - 1:10am / Post ID: #

Malabar the Alchemist
A Friend

Alchemist Malabar

Deity of Malabar

Pale-eyed and of infinitely tender countenance, she manifests most frequently in the ruined and ravaged places which reflect the condition of the poor souls inhabiting them, bringing them succour and solace in their darkest hours.
I may not speak of the secret ceremony wherein I first beheld her, nor could I if allowed, as words do not exist to describe her infinite loveliness. Let those whose eyes have thus been opened find her as they have been taught to do, and follow always in her steps.

Post Date: 2nd Jan, 2021 - 1:40pm / Post ID: #

Malabar the Alchemist
A Friend

Alchemist Malabar

Nevermoor Kingdom of Malabar

After long hours studying in the library, I needed to rest, and so returned to my lodgings and fell into a deep sleep. Then, in a dream, I learnt that I must build my future kingdom in that oneiric realm according to my abilities and disposition. So begins the task of creating a better world and future.Whether waking or sleeping, from the smallest efforts will this realm arise and grow....

Post Date: 4th Jan, 2022 - 12:35pm / Post ID: #

Malabar the Alchemist
A Friend

Malabar the Alchemist

Malabar the Alchemist Lives! I, Malabar, have died but am alive again! Mine aim is to be Ruler of Kings and yet I have suffered downfalls for the 1st time much to mine wonder-struck. I am not in a dark vision yet I have become it.

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