The statement "Religion is an organized forced scam" really just begs the question. First it would have to be shown that all religion is a scam to begin with. If it can't be proven that religion and religious beliefs are a scam (Leaving aside which religion we're referring to as the true religion), then it can't be proven that parents are compelling their children to believe something under pain of ostracization, shunning, disowning, etc. The same argument according to that logic could be made against teaching your kids from their youngest years that there is objective right and wrong and objective good and evil acts. According to the logic of "Let them decide when they're older", you would have to just let the children always find out for themselves when they get older that things like murder, theft, lying, is wrong and not be taught these things by their parents as wrong things that we should never do. Teaching one's own children that actions have consequences (Good consequences for good actions and bad consequences for bad actions) is not forceful. Telling your young child not to use the table saw or he could get hurt or not to jump around near the edge of a cliff or he could fall and get hurt or possibly die is not forceful. It's called looking out for your children. Well, if it can be shown that religion (At least one religion) is true, then ensuring that your child knows what he or she knows what to do to save his or her soul is not brainwashing, it's taking caring for one's children to the next level.
Because religion are man made, and why they make an organization, even find loophole in their teaching to further their personal agenda, rather than focus on the god they focus on man, ostracization, shunning, disowning, etc maybe not in your country (I doubt it) or you are in denial, but I saw that enough, hence that's my view of it.
Sorry but to me good, bad, evil, right, wrong are subjective not objective, each individual have their own personal view what they consider good, bad, evil, right, wrong due to many factor, hence why I say let them choose when they grown up to have their own better objective view.
Its pretty common sense things like murder, theft, lying, is wrong, but then theres a subjective part of it like selfdefense, steal and lying in order to survive or to save life, beside they have law for that too, religion are mean for preaching or commune to god, also don't bring your children near to the danger in the first place, like table saw and edge of cliff beside its not like the children will 100% obey anyway, and sometime the children need to learn the hardway and dealing with the consequence, its part of growing up.