I, am Alfonso, a Half-elf.
My father was of the human race but he ended up finding love with an elf, my mother, and thus I was born. While my old man went to fight with the other men I grew up to the age of 16, according to the years of man, and I matured into a tall figure standing at 6 feet tall with a skinny body. I have brown hair with green eyes. My skin is white and of comely appearence.
For that and no doubt due to the circumstances of my birth I was often the punchline of many jokes in taverns and the like, but I never took rage against those jokers instead I followed them up with jokes of my own which earned me the title of "the Jester".
At the moment at which I am writing this I am considering my strategy on how I will become the next Ruler of Kings, for now I hope to make powerful allies in the Town but maybe that's just the wishful thinking of mine for I am sure even getting there will be a challenge.
A Sentimental Value: Ring of Solace
However, before leaving for the Town, I decided to look around the house for something which I could bring with me on my journey, something which would remind me of "home". So I found in a hidden compartment of my moms wardrobe a ring, but this was not just any ring, this was a ring that my father gave to my mother when he proposed to her, of course I never saw that happen, but it was one my mothers fondest memories of father and thus she told about it almost every week, as if I had the memory of a frog.
Thus I picked it up and put it in finger and finally left my house.
Advisor Description
When I meet Godwin, I had just arrived in the Town and was passing by the church when I saw him preaching altough nobody was listening to him.
It was very early in the morning and he was wearing the robes of a priest, he first approached me talking about things such as religion and salvation, but when he realized I didn't much care about what he was saying, he quickly changed the point of the conversation to getting to know me and the reason I was there.
I felt very relieved and happy to have someone to talk to and also the fact that he did not judge because of my appearance, overall I would say he quickly became my first friend in the Town and I hope he will continue giving me advice when I further my ambitions.
The way I see it he most likely sees me as a young adult with a rough past that would be better of with a little bit of guidance and if no one will step in to help me then he will.