I am Albern. I was given this name because my father foresaw that I would be a noble warrior. I am 1.6 eleven years old, the equivalent of 16 man years. I am known as the Mystic because I am interested in the deep mysteries of life.
I was born an Elf because my father is a Sky Elf and my mother is Wood Elf, meaning that I an affinity for nature, outdoors, forests and for looking at the sky. I have a particular interest in studying the stars in the night sky.
I stand 5 feet 7 inches tall with a slim body. I have brown hair and blue eyes, with white skin and a plain appearance.
I see myself as one who follows the ways of magic. I want to increase my arcane knowledge and power by serving as an apprentice to a powerful wizard and joining a magic circle. I welcome alliances.
I intend to unite the elves and form a fellowship of wizards in order to become the next Ruler of Kings. It should be known that I am kind, generous, honest and loyal. I desire peace for all. I will be an honorable wizard-lord. Thus I now start this path towards fulfillment.
A Sentimental Value: Lorica Parchment
My father was not a man of letters. He had very few books or parchments, but he encouraged my interest in learning. He showed me the Lorica Parchment and encouraged me to read, study and learn it. It is the one thing that reminds me most of my parents. I recite the Lorica prayer often and rely on it to protect and guide me, yet I was reluctant to take it knowing how much it meant to my parents.
Advisor Description
After his unsuccessful meeting with the town builders, Albern noticed that he was been watched by a tall slender fair-haired lady with bright blue eyes. She smiled at him and beckoned him over.
"What manner of man are you, young Sir?" she asked.
"I am Albern, a scribe, my Lady." stammered Albern nervously.
"Well Albern, I am Lady Lucia, and since you are new here. I am minded to take thee as my protege. I may need the services of a scribe from time to time and in return I may be able to offer thee advice and use my influence to help thee. What say you?"
Albern bowed to Lady Lucia.
"I am most grateful and humbly accept your offer of patronage."
"Excellent. I am sure that you will not disappoint me." said Lucia.
"Now, hearken unto my words, for what I am about to tell thee… "
Difenland Kingdom of Albern
Exhausted from studying and working, I feel in a deep sleep. In my dream a saw a vision of a vast land with castles, knights and peasants. An angel appeared to me and said:
"This is your spiritual kingdom, govern it wisely."
I looked and saw a vast castle with officials waiting for me to command them, also knights in armor and golden fields with huts and cottages. Sheep and horses were in the fields. There were trees with all kinds of fruit.
Message to Advisor
First of all, I learned to play chess, a social skill which I hope will prove useful. After that, I took work as a scribe to increase my wealth and experience in my current profession. I visited several places in town. I almost got killed by a giant ant (And had a near death experience) after accepting an assignment that I was not ready for. I have learned to be more cautious and the need to work on my skills. I visited the House of Sorrows but confused and found myself back in the town.
Waldern the Fighter joins the Adventure Party of Albern
Waldern is a short stocky fighter with a powerful build and a deep voice. He is loyal, upright and honest. He wears a dark green tunic and cloak around his armor. His favorite weapon is the two handed sword. He is fearless in battle but kind to the weak and wounded. He has a strong sense of honor and a dry sense of humor. He dislikes thieves and is wary of clergy and magicians, but trusts Albern the Mystic.
Message to Advisor
Today I trained in a variety of skills. I was too weak to train in the more physical skills and lack the social standing needed to enter the palace, so I concentrated on calligraphy and basic medical skills. I have yet to discover how to study magick, but I have been following your advice carefully.