Peace to all from Sardinia, Italy.
I'm a 40 year old male who's been into tabletop RPGs since childhood.
I began my journey with Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition, but after a few years I moved to more new wave systems, Dungeon World and FATE in particular.
Sadly my RPG friends moved abroad during the last 10 years or so.
I'm really curious about ROK and discovering its potential.
When I play RPGs my focus is always on lore and coherent fiction, I never cared much for power playing or min-maxing.
I selected "Discuss global issues" because it was the best choice available, although not 100% correct. The main reason I want to join this community is to write beautiful medieval fantasy stories together.
I'm very concerned about global issues and I'll make sure to incorporate my Weltanschauung in the narration.
I teach Italian literature in high-school. I have a university degree in linguistics.
Some of my interests include pop/nerd culture, cinema, arts & crafts, music, theology, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, economics, geopolitics, medicinal herbs, animals, camping, climbing trees, world-building, problem-solving and ecology.
Salutations and welcome to the Community. Here for adventure? Good, however please note the fact that creating multiple accounts to play Ruler of Kings II is not looked on kindly. If ye need FP then be honorable and participate in the Community or show thy appreciation by Donating. With that said, go to Rules & Start to begin thy medieval text adventure.