Vivian the Paladin - Page 2 of 5

Now that I have attained Level 2 among my people, - Page 2 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 1st Mar, 2024 - 12:44am

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ROK II RPG Character 1574 Medieval Text Adventure
Post Date: 29th Feb, 2024 - 10:59pm / Post ID: #

Vivian the Paladin
A Friend

Vivian the Paladin - Page 2

Most handsome gentleman of Vivian

He stood out in the crowd of humans and the other various races mingling about. To meet another Draconic fellow was rare, and in the distance, I could see him in the marketplace, with chiselled snout and deep blue scales. He seemed not much older than me, and he looked content and fresh, despite the throngs of people who moved away from him unsubtly. I couldn't help but be drawn over to greet him.

Immediately, we struck off a lovely conversation. He was aspiring to become a merchant, having newly arrived in the town just as I had. Cobalt was his name. "There is always a steady need for construction it seems. I don't know how much you have explored yet, but there are plenty of slums in the poorer quarters that could use some renovating. You should have no problem with the trade you've picked for yourself." His voice was so reassuring.

How unusual for me to fall in love. I've never done it before, and only had an abstract view of it. If you have ever read Parzival and other such legends, you would know the sort of romantic views I had. At any rate, I feel a little open telling you all about what seems to be a private matter. Perhaps one day I can tell you more about him as we grow up side-by-side and come to power together. How wishful I am sounding already!

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Post Date: 29th Feb, 2024 - 10:59pm / Post ID: #

Vivian the Paladin
A Friend

Paladin Vivian

Mysterious Person at the Tavern

I took a seat with a mysterious stranger today. He was a short, stodgy little dwarf with a large red beard and mustache that covered his mouth, so that when he spoke, you could barely see his lips move. His bushy eyebrows made it difficult to read his face, or maybe it is just my lack of time spent with dwarves that leaves me ignorant and really he was quite expressive. I do not really know.

"What is it that I can help you with?"
"It is I who is to be letting you know that we be helping you."
"Very well, if you insist. Who is this that you are working with?"
"Can't say."
I hardened my face a little. "And what is it that you and your friend intend to help with?"
"Can't say."
I had half a mind to leave right then. "I'm sorry, I don't like dealing in secrecy. Be straightforward with me, as though I am a child. What do you want from me?"
He seemed to pause for a moment, only to continue speaking vaguely. "We should like to see you succeed Vivian. This town could use a shakeup, and we like to look for aspiring young people coming into this town to help become local leaders in the area. We've seen you fretting around from place to place, gaining skills constantly, burning through your cash. Surely, you wouldn't object to some help on your path to success. It's clear to anyone who takes stock of you that you've got a lot of ambition."

"I should like to know where this help is coming from. You've no reason to trust me, and I've less reason to trust you."
"We don't need your trust. Trust is won over time."
"How can I make myself clearer? You're doing little to win my trust. Of course anyone can promise riches or influence or fame. But you are not here just because I am ambitious, and certainly not because the residents here think highly of the Draconics."
Here, he finally tipped his hand. "It is precisely because you are a Draconic that we'd like to see you succeed. A leader who understands discrimination and hardship can make for a compassionate leader."
"And suppose I were vengeful instead?"
"That's a risk we are willing to take. And you don't seem much for conniving and villainry. It would be more apparent if that were the case."
"Again, I've done nothing to earn that trust."
"No. You haven't. But we will trust you anyway. And perhaps you will trust us as well."

This conversation went on for a while, where I had to go through and patiently chip away at what this dwarf was saying to try and garner bits and pieces of what he wanted. After all was said and done, I still have no idea what sort of help or gift they intend to give me. He asked me what would be helpful, and I think I gave some meandering response about not wanting any illicit gains. Am I really so bad at reading people and have such poor social skills? Very well. I will have to wait and see what comes of this meeting. I got the impression that I should simply continue acting rightly and justly towards others, as that is what is expected from this mysterious stranger and more mysterious benefactor. It is also what I would have done anyway, regardless of this encounter.

What should I have asked for if I was feeling more selfish? Perhaps I could have asked for an introduction to a friendly aligned character, or for gold to continue my education and learning in this city. Who are the people who would want to see a Draconic succeed and what would they think to give a Draconic? I've still yet to really settle myself in this place. Would they have given me an important piece of land? But surely giving a stranger a large plot would have drawn much unwanted attention and questions to these shadowy figures. It does no good to worry about this for now. With or without this benefactor, I think putting my one foot in front of the other for now will suffice.

Post Date: 29th Feb, 2024 - 11:16pm / Post ID: #

Vivian the Paladin
A Friend

Vivian the Paladin Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Neuschwanstein Kingdom of Vivian

I met my mother in a dream. She gently reminded me to care for my soul. She gave me a plot to care for, with a breathtaking view at the top of a forested mountain, and at the bottom was a clean river with people milling about. I met with them to ask what we should proceed to build. They seemed quite happy to build rolling fields of farms and some simple places to live. At the center, they asked if we could build a church by quarrying the mountain. It was so simple and pleasing in that vision.

Post Date: 29th Feb, 2024 - 11:25pm / Post ID: #

Vivian the Paladin
A Friend

Page 2 Paladin Vivian

I be the proud owner of a new wooden abode which I bought today fer a hefty price.

Post Date: 1st Mar, 2024 - 12:00am / Post ID: #

Vivian the Paladin
A Friend

Paladin Vivian

Deity of Vivian

After much work to improve my soul, I went to dedicate myself towards a greater being than myself. The Cherubim, who manifests herself in the form of various animals, came to me as a black swan, and she blessed my commitment towards becoming a paladin. I thought she looked quite radiant and tranquil, seeing her swim about in those waters. All at once, the vision I had of her vanished in a large light, as I blinked my eyes and was back in the temple I had come to.

Post Date: 1st Mar, 2024 - 12:18am / Post ID: #

Vivian the Paladin
A Friend

Vivian the Paladin

Expert in the Calligraphy Skill is what I am now. I shall use the Calligraphy Skill towards meh ultimate goal.

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Post Date: 1st Mar, 2024 - 12:22am / Post ID: #

Vivian the Paladin
A Friend

Vivian Paladin - Page 2

I wonder, should I call myself Vivian the Hand Wrestling expert.

Post Date: 1st Mar, 2024 - 12:44am / Post ID: #

Vivian the Paladin
A Friend

Vivian Paladin Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 2

Now that I have attained Level 2 among my people, ye shall see a more powerful Vivian than otherwise might have been known.

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