Has anyone ever played this game? It's a medieval setting solo game where you make your way through the world to avenge your family's death in the Kingdom of Bohemia. For reasons that are extremely long to get into, I have a huge interest in Czech culture and history. Central Europe is an oft neglected part of history compared to some of the other regions with better known empires (Whose favorite empire is the Austro-Hungarian empire?) but they've got some cool stuff going on over there.
Anyway, just recently got this game and was wondering if any of you all have played it before or have seen stuff about it before.
I have it, with all the dlcs. I've played it (Although I haven't finished it). It's one of the recurring games I go back to from time to time. Someday I'll take it as a challenge, rather than a pastime and finish it, for sure, because it's certainly a pretty engaging game, and very well done.