It is amazing how we spend millions figuring out why the person one rather then spending the same monies on say health care. It is easy to know if you promote your self highly and know you populations concerns then promise to help resolve them you can do well in any election. This kind of research just confirms my thoughts that politicians are not there to fix real issues so much as to better themselves and ensure they have the right recipe to hoodwink the population in the next election.
Hi 5 any one for that win?
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 18.8%
I believe that soo many people follow what Oprah says as the truth and the only truth out there that is one of the big reasons why they were elected and probably why he will get reelected unless he does not do as he promised.
I think it is interesting when you read all the exit polls and how people did not agree with his policies but they still voted him in. I know it does not make sense to me. Only thing that makes sense is the people are so upset with the republicans that they would elect someone they disagree with just to get the republicans out of office.
That is a scary statement on its own Klar. Bob Ray back in the early 90's was elected here and it was for the same reason every one was ticked at the major powers and tossed their votes. He did a lot of damage before being kicked out. I never toss a vote just because of that.
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 18.8%
I said it before that people did not vote for Obama but against the Republican party. Most of all, they voted thinking with their pockets but they forgot all the other big issues at hand.
I don't know what it is but something about Obama concerns me.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Obama reminds me of a young charismatic cuban who was elected and then took over his country making himself rich and others now in poverty and wanting to escape. This young cuban was named Castro. My kids are saying that this country will soon not be called the United States of America but the SSA or Socialist States of America. This is from all my high school aged kids.
A Look Under the Hood at the (Potential) Obama Administration
By Joshua Frank
Barack Obama's administration will prove unlikely to alter the fundamental political machinery that has led us into war and economic turmoil. Below is a brief summary of Obama's potential choices for a few key roles in his administration.
Ref. Source 1
I dunno, the kids in my school are not so creative. They just stick with saying Obama is the anti-christ and is going to turn the United States into the Soviet Union. I had two of them tell me that, and because of that they are moving to Canada to escape socialism. I found it funny.... freaking Radical Right-winged Religious nut-jobs.... I can't stand Radicals. I told them though, to escape major left winged influences, goto Iraq. Plenty or Right winged Radicals there. But then again, they can't find anything wrong with the right-wing. They just don't know that nobodies perfect.
Joshua Frank is co-editor of Dissident Voice and author of Left Out! How Liberals Helped Reelect George W. Bush |