Joseph Smith - Page 2 of 3

No. Just saying you have to practice listening - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 21st Nov, 2008 - 7:23am

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18th Nov, 2008 - 6:08am / Post ID: #

Joseph Smith - Page 2

Good question Revival.

We believe that throughout history there has been dispensations where Prophets have led the people and held the key of the Priesthood and keys of authority. Moses held the keys to the gathering of Israel. Abraham has the keys to the Abrahamic Covenant. Peter to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Before each of these events was an apostasy, where a portion of the truth was lost or the authority was taken from the people.

Source 1

We hold that there was an apostasy where After the Apostles died and the those who were left started to create their own views of what Christianity should be. The result of this is the Nicene Creed in the second century, where mostly well meaning men, who did not still hold the Priesthood keys and authority tried to create the Church of Christ. Without the authority, unfortunately their efforts were in vane. Through the years following the Creed, Churches were formed from the Head (the Catholic Church) but though there were many great men who led the reformation such as Calvin and Luther, they still did not have the authority and the revelation to restore the Church again as it had been restored in the past.

We believe that Joseph Smith was that Prophet who in 1820 was visited by God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ to restore that which had been lost. We believe that John the Baptist restored the Aaronic priesthood or the priesthood of Baptism, and Peter James and John of the New Testament came and Restored the Higher Priesthood or the power to bestow the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Moses brought back the keys to the Gathering of Israel, and many prophets came to restore all keys from all dispensations. For members of the Church this is very exciting to know that God has brought back all keys in preparation for the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I can understand your skepticism, but I would only ask that you take this skepticism to the Lord and ask him if there could be prophets in our day and if indeed God continues to do miracles in our day.

In the words of another ancient Prophet:

Moroni 10:4

4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. 

All I can ask of you as a individual is to take your questions to God and he can manifest to you the truth of all things. He can and will reveal the truth to you as he has to me.

I cannot convince you of the truth of my testimony, only God can reveal to you what he has in store for you as his child.

Thank You,
from your brother in Christ

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18th Nov, 2008 - 6:47pm / Post ID: #

Smith Joseph

Thanks for your detailed answer. If a man prays and gets an answer that Joseph Smith is not a prophet then what do you say then?

18th Nov, 2008 - 7:18pm / Post ID: #

Joseph Smith Studies Doctrine Mormon

Then they have their answer.

I would suggest a sincere investigation into the matter and take it before the Lord. This, I believe should also be done for the Bible. Read it and ask God to give confirmation of the truths found inside of it. He will give an answer to all who seek.

18th Nov, 2008 - 7:29pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Smith Joseph

Then they have their answer.

So then why do Mormons not get the same answer? How do you believe God tells you Joseph Smith is a genuine prophet from God?

18th Nov, 2008 - 8:19pm / Post ID: #

Smith Joseph



How do you believe God tells you Joseph Smith is a genuine prophet from God?

A testimony of a truth is a very personal thing and cannot be transferred. I can speak of something that I believe to be a truth, and you can in turn tell me of a truth that you hold sacred, but unless God reveals to us each personally we will never have an assurance of that belief.

I believe one can hear the word and according to the preparedness of the individual, God will give him or her the answer he or she needs in a particular instance. This is of course is based on the time table of God and his knowledge of our spiritual preparedness.

I only know the answers that I have received, and that is where my faith can be found.

I have no doubts that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God and that he did indeed see God the Father and Jesus Christ. This was after much prayer and Fasting, and not something that I take lightly, considering the implication (Prophets in our day, a restoration of the priesthood and the Church of Jesus Christ, a bringing together of all of the Dispensations).

I can completely understand your scepticism, as you have not had the same experiences that I have had. I will never fault another for not holding something sacred as much as I do.

20th Nov, 2008 - 6:52am / Post ID: #

Joseph Smith

QUOTE (revival)
How do you believe God tells you Joseph Smith is a genuine prophet from God?

One has to practice asking for and receiving personal revelation. Many new converts receive a witness that spurs their conversion; others may not receive this witness until later. The experience with each person is as different as all people are, but for most, if not all, it is an unforgettable and undeniable experience. What God has in mind, I suppose, so that we can remember it our entire lives.

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21st Nov, 2008 - 12:33am / Post ID: #

Joseph Smith - Page 2

One has to practice asking for and receiving personal revelation.

Isn't that almost like saying you have to practise getting the answer that Joseph Smith is a prophet?

21st Nov, 2008 - 7:23am / Post ID: #

Joseph Smith Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 2

No. Just saying you have to practice listening to the Spirit, just like anything else that you do, so that when you receive an answer you know from whence it comes. Do you read the scriptures just one time in your life? Do you only pray one time? Obey the commandments just one time? These things have to be lived every day. To be adept at receiving information via the Holy Ghost, we have to ask and then pay attention for answers, and we have to keep at it.

Those who have received their answer re: Joseph Smith as a prophet of God generally don't need to ask twice; it's an unforgettable experience, as I mentioned before, and generally different for each person.

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