Trinidad Gangs Take Over Neighbourhoods

Trinidad Gangs Neighbourhoods - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 26th Jun, 2011 - 12:19am

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Top  Trinidad Gangs Take Over Neighbourhoods Trini Gangs - Tobago Gangs - T&T Gang Members
Post Date: 11th Feb, 2009 - 11:11pm / Post ID: #

Trinidad Gangs Take Over Neighbourhoods

Trinidadian Gangs Take Over Neighbourhoods

According to TV6 News a lot of gangs have taken over certain neighbourhoods and restricted the movement of residents therein. Often if you show any disrespect to any gang members you can be shot. Guns can be rented for as little as TT$100 and bought from between TT$1,200 to TT$2,000.

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3rd May, 2009 - 7:03pm / Post ID: #

Neighbourhoods Take Gangs Trinidad

I am not surprised at all, hence it is better to stay in doors and try to keep a low profile. More "social" you want to be, the worst is. Sad but reality here.

8th Jul, 2010 - 11:10pm / Post ID: #

Trinidad Gangs Take Over Neighbourhoods Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

The UNC is announcing some very tough legislation for those involved in Gangs including those who assist or support known Gang Members in any way or form. Do you think this will seriously curb crime?

8th Jul, 2010 - 11:38pm / Post ID: #

Neighbourhoods Take Gangs Trinidad

The problem is not the legislation, the issue is the REINFORCEMENT of the legislation, that's what I am concerned about.

Post Date: 13th Jun, 2011 - 6:05pm / Post ID: #

Neighbourhoods Take Gangs Trinidad

Name: Amisar

Comments: Are these local Trini ganas break off groups from the ViceLords, Bloods, Crips, MS-13 and others of the USA or were they formed locally?

15th Jun, 2011 - 6:55pm / Post ID: #

Trinidad Gangs Take Over Neighbourhoods

Amisar I think some are wannabe gang members imitating those. We have enough local ones I believe to now have to worry about external gangs infiltrating Trinidad.

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Post Date: 26th Jun, 2011 - 12:00am / Post ID: #

Trinidad Gangs Take Neighbourhoods

Name: Spence

Comments: Please forgive me but I am without choice but I must say that the success or failure of these gangs depends on our inaction or action. If we retreat within our homes as most already have, then these gangs will dominate our streets. These criminals are no longer satisfied with that so they have now started to invade our homes and cars. What now, do we build fortresses with motes around them? Trust me, soon they will find ways through that also. There are a lot more law abiding citizens than criminals. They succeed as they band together while we "mind our own business". We see our neighbour's homes broken into by persons who we recognize, their cars being stolen or they may be even suffering a physical attack. What do we do? we close our windows, lock our doors and pretend that we saw nothing. Some how we believe that we will not become victims of criminals if we ignore them To the contrary each crime they commit without being caught, the bolder they become increasing the chances that your turn for victimization is just around the corner.
Despite the fact that THE POLICE are not perfect there are enough officers in the service who are full of integrity and dedication to make a difference with our support. Perpetually criticizing and disrespecting them also serves to embolden criminals. THE POLICE are our main defense against criminals, isn't it in our own interest to support them? We must start a new conversation in society and that is how do we support each other and the POLICE in one alliance against crime.

26th Jun, 2011 - 12:19am / Post ID: #

Trinidad Gangs Take Neighbourhoods Trinidad & Tobago / Caribbean


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Despite the fact that THE POLICE are not perfect there are enough officers in the service who are full of integrity and dedication to make a difference with our support. Perpetually criticizing and disrespecting them also serves to embolden criminals. THE POLICE are our main defense against criminals, isn't it in our own interest to support them? We must start a new conversation in society and that is how do we support each other and the POLICE in one alliance against crime.

What exactly do you suggest as support?

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