Types of Forum Users
With the huge amount of users logging on to our forum we just had to ask ourselves if there was a PATTERN in the things Forum Users do....
UPDATE: When we first started this thread the forum opened for the first time and we were wondering what users do on here, but as time progressed the thread turned into a 'what users do' thread. Have fun reading and please don't give the moderators any trouble :).
One of the strange kinds of posters you get on here is the type that wants to change all the rules and do what they want! One poster recently came on here using artistic n-de pictures, posting links to her business, etc when the rules specifically say not to do this. What is more shocking is where she gets mad because I tell her about it.
There is enough boards out there to go post all kinds of junk. Why do they think they can bring 'junk' here too? Anyway don't mind me (Just the words of a frustrated admin that has to maintain so many boards and scripts) ;)
Probably too much all in one place and they do not know where to start. |
I must emphasize that those who register here are given 'an invitation' to post here and it is not a right. I say so because some have already started to spam other members as well as advertise products and various other things. Of course there is nothing wrong with talking about your own site or forum - but do not come here trying to sell cars, books, clothes, etc! The rate of growth on this forum is amazing and so there are 'measures' to prevent this... however if anyone is spamming you or soliciting business please let us know and we will investigate.
Strange things about the 'new' users to the Net
Its is thoroughly amazing to me how people on the internet in general seem to display their 'climatic' characteristics in the things they do online. Sounds weird? It is! Here are some examples in three different sections... (by the way, I wrote the below, I did not copy it from anywhere)
1. Everyone judges you based on the username and color you choose to enter the chat room with
2. If you do not have the same point of view as them it means that you are open for every insult in history
3. You are allowed to talk about the most ridiculous and senseless things, but do not ever try to chat about something that will cause you to use your brain
4. Everyone thinks that because the person logged on as 'sexy' that means their personal ideal of the word (some blonde with blue eyes and model figure)
5. People should know what mood you are in
6. People should know what you are talking about if you just logged on
7. Someone logs into an empty room and keeps posting, 'Is anyone here?'
8. Someone logs into a busy room where lots of people are chatting and asks, 'Is anyone here?'
9. Users who keep their [CAPS] on so that they can be heard
10. Users who demand to know your age, sex, and location before they even say 'hello'
11. Users who keep saying, 'I'm confused, I'm confused' and when you offer to help they say, 'I'm confused'
12. Users who are so intent on swearing that they even use '*****" as substitutes of what they would really like to say
13. Users who do not say 'bye' and you keep chatting until the system tells you they left
1. Everyone agrees that the person with the least number of posts does not know anything
2. RUles of a forum are to be broken and no one should enforce them
3. Its okay to have a forum that is called 'sports' and talk about everything else other than 'sports'
4. If you warn a user about their behavior its because you have personal issues with them or their culture or their rrace
5. Everyone should understand dialect or slang from your part of the world
1. You do not honestly expect a reply right?
2. One word or line should be sufficient to tell you that I need something fixed on a certain page, of a certain web site... and... well you know the rest
3. Um... what are you talking about?
4. The person tells you to reply to an email address not listed in the reply box?
5. You should only email somebody if it is convenient
6. When you write a second email asking if they received the first and they respond "yes" but still do not answer
7. You send in a request with several questions and the reply comes back with only the first and last question answered
Something I notice with some users is this... They come on this MULTI religious and MULTI ethnic forum and try to turn into their own 'belief system' We must remember that...
1. Not everyone on this forum is LDS, Trinidadian, Muslim, etc. Keep your messages general
2. This forum is NOT an LDS forum or a Trinidadian forum! It is the Borde Global Impact Designs® Forum as it says! This is a forum comprising of MANY different web sites. Its just like the world - you have many people from different backgrounds and thought - just because they all gather in one room it does not mean that the room can only speak about LDS, Trinidadian, Muslim or whatever else - understand?
3. When chatting the same is true. Many enter assuming everyone is Trinidadian or LDS? Strange, why should you think so? Does everyone that you meet at random on a street have an LDS, Trinidadian or Buddhist background? ::)
4. Each board is geared towards a certain theme. This will help keep conversations on track with the rest. Anything posted outside the realm of a boards theme will either be moved to the correct board or deleted.
5. Lastly, please do not tell us to focus more on one theme - we will not - it is not the purpose of this forum. Please see detailed messages at: Constructive Posting Policy or click the 'Help' button in the menu above.