Aborted Babies With Down Syndrome

Aborted Babies Syndrome - The Bible Revealed - Posted: 3rd Jun, 2014 - 1:40pm

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Christian T-shirts with a message - would you wear this?
12th Mar, 2009 - 1:13am / Post ID: #

Aborted Babies With Down Syndrome

Aborted Babies With Down Syndrome

Continuing the featured christian t-shirts (we are not affiliated with the creators) with a dual message Posts is fun, so here are some more:

Controversial Tshirts

Question: Will you wear a T-shirt with this on it? Why / why not? Feel free to also Discuss the dual meaning or interpretation of the T-shirt if you like.
Image from christianshirts.net

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12th Mar, 2009 - 5:59pm / Post ID: #

Syndrome With Babies Aborted

Sure I'd wear that, I think its shameful that we see life like an old rag these days. Since 1973 abortion has been turning this world more into darkness.

Post Date: 13th Sep, 2011 - 12:22am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Aborted Babies With Down Syndrome Revealed Bible The

Obama Admin Targets Down Syndrome Babies Under Obamacare

Prenatal testing for Down syndrome should not be considered preventive medicine. Such tests cannot prevent the presence of Down syndrome in a child; but they can decrease the likelihood of a child with Down syndrome surviving beyond the womb. Expectant parents need accurate information, including the many positive outcomes, about life raising a child with Down syndrome.

Last month, my daughter Juliet began second grade, where her mother and I expect her to maintain her B+ average on spelling tests and straight A's in Chinese. In addition to being a loving daughter and big sister, Juliet also is endowed with Down syndrome. At the start of the month, the Department for Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that future births of children like Juliet should be prevented. Down syndrome is the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability and, as such, will be targeted in the new HHS regulation's free nationwide prenatal testing program.

Discussions of HHS's new regulation have focused on the required availability of free contraceptive services under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The regulation is the result of HHS's adopting, in its entirety, the Institute of Medicine's (IOM) report on Clinical Preventive Services for Women. Buried in the IOM report is the recommendation for no-cost well-woman visits; these visits include prenatal care-and thus prenatal testing for "genetic or developmental conditions." The regulation was issued as part of the PPACA's coverage of preventive services. This prompts the question, how does prenatal testing prevent Down syndrome?

The IOM report defines preventive services 'to be measures . . . Shown to improve wellbeing, and/or decrease the likelihood or delay the onset of targeted disease or condition." Down syndrome occurs at conception. Prenatal testing simply identifies whether a pregnancy is positive for Down syndrome-a prenatal diagnosis after which most women choose to terminate their pregnancy. A prenatal test does not decrease the likelihood of Down syndrome in a person; it does allow for a decreased likelihood of a person with Down syndrome surviving beyond the womb. If this is how HHS is justifying prenatal testing for Down syndrome as preventive care, then HHS has ushered in a program meant to target future children like Juliet. Ref. Source 9

Post Date: 14th Oct, 2011 - 10:31am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Syndrome With Babies Aborted

Down Syndrome Awareness Helps Stop Abortions on Special Kids

New research on Down syndrome presents an overwhelmingly positive picture of how Down syndrome can affect individuals and families. These findings need to be shared as they will affect decisions made to accept prenatal testing and following a prenatal diagnosis.

October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Fittingly, the American Journal of Medical Genetics recently published groundbreaking research that challenges conventional wisdom about raising a child with Down syndrome (DS). Responding to these studies, noted bioethicist Art Caplan predicted that, nevertheless, they will not "make a bit of difference to parents deciding to end pregnancies once [DS] is discovered in the fetus." Actual experience contradicts Caplan's pessimism.

The new research reports the findings of three surveys in which thousands of parents and hundreds of siblings and individuals with DS themselves, were questioned about what it is like to be affected in one way or another by DS. Ninety-nine percent of parents said they loved their child with DS and 97 percent were proud of them; only 4 percent regretted having their child. While 4 percent of siblings would 'trade their sibling" with DS, 96 percent indicated that they had affection toward their sibling with DS, with 94 percent of older siblings expressing feelings of pride. Finally, although 4 percent of individuals with DS expressed sadness about their lives, 99 percent said they were happy with their lives and 97 percent liked who they are.

Caplan believes that most mothers will still abort, even after this research has been released, simply because it is a fact that, currently, most mothers do abort following a prenatal diagnosis. This fact, however, does not support Caplan's callous conclusion that "Down syndrome is almost universally seen as something to be avoided." Ref. Source 6

Post Date: 15th Oct, 2011 - 9:13pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Syndrome With Babies Aborted

Former Britney Spears Backup Singer Saves Baby From Abortion

I"ve been putting off getting my hair done for a while because it's hard for me to rationalize spending the money AND spending 2 hours being still. (I know, first world problem!) ? But, alas, my roots were quite blond so I scheduled an appointment for today. I"ve been battling the blues for a few days and would probably have stayed in bed had it not been for the appointment.

I walked in and took a seat while I waited for my stylist to come get me. I can't even make up what happened next.

On the other side of the wall, I heard this conversation:

Girl #1: "Well, I"ve always been pro-choice, especially if there's something wrong." ((I look around for candid camera.))

Girl#2: "Yeah I"ve been sick for a month. I just don't think I can do this if there's something wrong with the baby." ((After I get over my shock, I begin to pray. I thought I was here to get my hair colored, but apparently You have other plans, Jesus.))

Girl #1: "I think you did the right thing by making the appointment. It's harder to talk yourself out of it once you have a time to get it done. Will your husband drive you?" Ref. Source 6

Post Date: 3rd Jun, 2014 - 1:40pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Aborted Babies With Down Syndrome

Why My Daughter's 19th Birthday Shames Those Who Think People With Down Syndrome Aren't Fit to Live

We have chronicled the plight of unborn children with Down Syndrome countless times over the years here at LifeNews. With the staggeringly high percentage of children with Down Syndrome becoming victims of abortion, we constantly do everything we can to celebrate their lives and contributions to society.

That's why, without further ado, we provide you a clip of an excellent article today from British writer Dominic Lawson: Ref. Source 8

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