
Twitter - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 7th Jul, 2009 - 3:14pm

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Post Date: 1st Apr, 2009 - 12:50am / Post ID: #

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Twitter Celebs - the real, the fake, the sued

Twitter has become popular with celebrities. And people pretending to be celebrities. Sometimes it's hard to figure out who's who. Ref. Source 6

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Post Date: 2nd Apr, 2009 - 12:44pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]


Twitchhike stumbles at last hurdle

A British journalist has fallen short of his goal of reaching the subantarctic Campbell Island, south of New Zealand, within 30 days of leaving his home relying only on the generosity of people using a social networking site. Ref. Source 5

27th May, 2009 - 4:25am / Post ID: #

Twitter Gaming Video & Issues Computer

As you all know, celebrities are addicted to Twitter. The biggest fans are Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, Ashton is the "king" of twitter with more than 2 million followers. But now he is threatening to stop using Twitter because they seem to be creating a TV series that will follow celebrities everywhere (paparazzi style).

OS ANGELES, Calif. -- News of a Twitter reality series is not sitting well with two of the micro-blogging Web site's most famous users -- Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore.

"I hope this isn't true," Demi wrote in response to the planned Twitter series, announced over Memorial Day weekend. "If it is, our Twitter time may come to a quick and sad end!"

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore

Adding, "This would not be a smart move for Twitter!"

Demi's husband, Ashton -- the undisputed Twitter king with 2 million followers -- was equally disturbed by the idea of a TV series.

"Wow I hope this isn't true," he wrote on his Twitter account. "I really don't like being sold out. May have to take a twitter hiatus."

He noted that the planned show could create a safety concern for celebrities who Twitter.

"I don't want to be stalked!" Kutcher continued. "It's all fun and games until somebody gets stalked."

As previously reported on Access, The social-networking service said Monday it has teamed with Reveille productions and Brillstein Entertainment Partners to develop an unscripted series based on the site, which invites 140-character postings from members around the world. The show would harness Twitter to put players on the trail of celebrities in an interactive, competitive format....

Post Date: 9th Jun, 2009 - 3:26pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]


Twitter hype punctured by study

Micro-blogging service Twitter remains the preserve of a few, despite the hype surrounding it, says research. Ref. Source 9

9th Jun, 2009 - 3:27pm / Post ID: #


I'm glad someone sees the truth behind these silly sites. Just imagine a site dedicated to saying, "I'm going to the toilet", "Just left the restaurant" and so forth, I would like to say "Who cares?".

Post Date: 10th Jun, 2009 - 1:44pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]


How to spot a fake Twitterer

Signing up for a Twitter account is an easy task and before you know it your booming list of followers will make your online visits to Twitsletown enjoyable. Ref. Source 4

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6th Jul, 2009 - 11:28pm / Post ID: #


Have Twitter become Tweeder? It seems like some guys are making a lot of money with Twitter, Facebook and others because they are allowing them to legally swap street corners for the Internet.

"Just in! Baby Crunch, Spy Diesel and Critical Mass! Buy a quarter, get a gram," read the "tweets" listing the strains of pot available from the Los Angeles-based non-profit medical-marijuana dispensary Artists Collective, which also promises "free delivery."

Artists Collective has the biggest online presence, with a snazzy Web site, Facebook and MySpace pages and the Twitter feed. San Francisco's more staid The Green Cross has a MySpace page, but like Artists Collective lists its latest arrivals on its own Web site.

"We've been open for six months, and I've been doing this project for 18 [months], and only in the last two weeks with a Twitter account has anybody started paying attention to us," says Dann Halem, director of Artists Collective. "That sends a message - an important one - and it really has been, strangely enough, the fact that we're using Twitter that has opened the door."

California's Proposition 215 and Senate Bill 420 - of 4/20 fame - allow for the production, growth and sale of marijuana for medicinal purposes.

The Bush administration ruled that federal drug laws superseded them, and the Supreme Court agreed, leading to many arrests, but in March the Obama administration announced it would not seek prosecutions in situations where state and federal laws conflicted.

"The Bush administration did have a no-tolerance policy, and the federal government was doing more enforcement under the Bush administration," says Lt. Paul Torrent of the Los Angeles Police Department's narcotics division. "I have yet to see any official stance out of the new administration, so I - as many are - am waiting to hear what the new stance is."

But though delivery services can advertise their wares publicly, they aren't able yet to just offer up the goods, eBay-style, to the highest bidder.

"When a person calls us, what we do is contact their doctor and verify that they are a patient," Halem said. "Then they have paperwork that they need to fill out. We need to see their California I.D., and assuming that they jump through every hoop and everything is as it should be, then they are welcome to join our collective..

Post Date: 7th Jul, 2009 - 3:14pm / Post ID: #

A Friend

Twitter Computer Issues & Video Gaming

Of all the sites and sounds on the internet I have to say that Twitter has yet to be any interest to me. I would rather use IMs like Yahoo.

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