Why Does This 'god' Seem To Exist?

Why ' God' Exist - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 17th Jul, 2009 - 12:43pm

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Post Date: 15th Apr, 2009 - 5:44am / Post ID: #

Why Does This 'god' Seem To Exist?
A Friend

Why Does This 'god' Seem To Exist?

I keep hearing people arguing over whether or not god truly does exist. I can help but chuckle at their exercises in futility. We haven't the power in our tiny minds to comprehend such a big question. You can not say that something does not exist. Even if you can not measure it. Unless, of course you understand any, and every, thing contained within all realms of being. We can't definitively prove that it does exist either as we do not contain that kind of power within our minds. Why waste our time trying to answer a question we obviously have no ability whatsoever to answer at this point? Why not instead ask,

-Why does this creator figure seem so ever present in our lives?

-Why does this god seem to exist?

-Why do people put so much faith in it?

-What is it's importance? If it has any at all..

These would all be much fairer questions to ask than wasting your precious little time arguing for an answer that will never be reached. I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Thank you!

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Post Date: 15th Apr, 2009 - 1:34pm / Post ID: #

Why Does This 'god' Seem To Exist?
A Friend

Exist To god This Why

I do not have to worry about whether God exists or not because I believe in him and I know that I will see him in the after life. I am not going to waste my time trying to grasp some of the things he does or can do because I know that I am small and insignificant when it comes to the power that he has. I am happy in my life and knowing that I will sit and bask in the glory of God once I leave this mortal realm.

Post Date: 6th May, 2009 - 6:03pm / Post ID: #

Why Does This 'god' Seem To Exist?
A Friend

Why Does This 'god' Seem To Exist? Beliefs Religious General

I believe placing "evidence" for God in terms of "no one can prove he doesn't exist" is quite weak.

Faith is formed on the basis of sheer belief. God doesn't even need to exist for that belief to be strong but nor does it mean that He doesn't.

What this comes down to, for Atheists, is the probability that God exists not the possibility that he might. Truly, anything is possible. Tomorrow I could be beaten to death by an outraged monkey smoking a cigar and carrying a hammer. You can't say that's not possible. It absolutely is. However, it is not LIKELY and that is the important point. The probability that I will meet my end in this way is so small you can confidently assert that it will never happen.

And so it is with Atheism. Following this argument, the probability that God exists is so small that they can confidently assert that He doesn't exist.

For my part, I do not think the Bible is inerrant. I'm not even certain about Christianity as a whole come to that. However, I was raised Catholic and it is difficult to simply throw a belief built up since childhood away (at least for me.) I am a fence sitting agnostic at the moment. We are often belittled from both sides of this debate but to be frank this fence is the most comfortable place for me right now.

I understand why people need to search for a deeper meaning through religion but I also understand the arguments of Reason against God's existence. At the moment, I'm viewing religion as very much an allegorical experience. The stories of the Bible or the Koran seem best viewed as symbolic and transcendent which give them the universal meanings so ascribed to them. Whether God exists or not as a consequence of that is not clear.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. smile.gif

6th May, 2009 - 8:17pm / Post ID: #

Exist To god This Why

There is ample testimonial evidence that there is an afterlife, based on the many stories of people "coming back". Though this is not necessarily evidence for God, I believe it may be evidence that there are things that we do not understand, that are beyond our ability to perceive with our natural senses.

This presents a difficult challenge for those who want to study God through the Scientific Method. Using primarily empirical evidence as it is perceived though our 5 senses, ignores the possibility that there are those who can perceive evidences of God through other senses not quantifiable with sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.

If people do not believe in God, then there is no compelling reason for them to search for God through debate and the scientific method. It is likely they will not find such a God.

But I have a belief that I have found God, and he has penetrated the windows of my soul. He has talked to me personally through the vehicle of his Holy Spirit and I cannot deny his existence. The truth is, I cannot fault anyone else who does not have this same personal knowledge of God. They have not received this particular type of evidence, evidence that can only be received on a very personal level. If I had not received this internal witness, from what I believe to be God, I probably would be agnostic too.

But I know God lives and he is mindful of me and my family,and it has significantly improved my life. I can only speak for myself on this one, and I need no further external evidences of his existence.


Matt. 7: 7
  7 ¶ Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

Post Date: 17th Jul, 2009 - 12:43pm / Post ID: #

Why Does This 'god' Seem To Exist?
A Friend

Exist To god This Why

Let me tell you guys about the probabilities of God not existing. You put 5x10 to the power of fifty people in a room, give them all a Rubix cube and and let them try to solve it. The chances of this whole place happening by itself is the chances of all those people solving the Rubix cube at the exact same time. That's enough to make me believe there's a God.

Also, when my dad was working on the roof of the church putting sealant on it so that it wouldn't leak the sun was shining and the sealant was just heating up and baking hi up there. At the end he was very hot and thirsty and then he thought about getting a drink. The sky opened up and rain fells for about 3 minutes.

There's some more proof. Also, I don't really respect atheists because it all comes down to faith and belief and they just don't have it in them.

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