Book Of Mormon And Christians

Book Mormon Christians - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 14th Mar, 2008 - 9:53pm

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Post Date: 28th May, 2007 - 8:15pm / Post ID: #

Book Of Mormon And Christians
A Friend

Book Of Mormon And Christians

I was surfing the Internet friday and I found this website. There is a group of Christians that want the lds church to release it's hold on the Book of Mormon and give it freely to the World.

Here's the link

Reconcile Edited: Zelph on 28th May, 2007 - 8:19pm

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28th May, 2007 - 8:24pm / Post ID: #

Christians Mormon Book

I have come across this site before, isn't it true that they are indirectly (some of them) former Members who have not found favor in the Church or have left the Church for some reason, but not their belief in the Book of Mormon?

Post Date: 29th May, 2007 - 5:38pm / Post ID: #

Book Of Mormon And Christians
A Friend

Book Of Mormon And Christians Studies Doctrine Mormon

It's completely possible that they are how you said JB. But I can't help but think, if they are regular Christians and they believe in the Book of Mormon has the word of God, that Joseph Smith was commissioned to translated it, why can't they accept the rest of what he taught? In my opinion to believe Joseph Smith Translated the Book of Mormon, is to believe in everything he taught.

29th May, 2007 - 5:43pm / Post ID: #

Christians Mormon Book

Well, I know some who even say they believe in the Book of Mormon, but not the Prophet, Joseph Smith. How they reach to these conclusions I will never know, but keep in mind that this happened a lot in the early days of the Church with the first signs being shown by Oliver Cowdery.

Post Date: 5th Nov, 2007 - 7:59pm / Post ID: #

Book Of Mormon And Christians
A Friend

Christians Mormon Book

QUOTE (Zelph)
"There is a group of Christians that want the lds church to release it's hold on the Book of Mormon and give it freely to the World."

I'm pretty sure anyone who wants one can get a Book of Mormon for free.

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6th Nov, 2007 - 12:02am / Post ID: #

Book Of Mormon And Christians

The church has always been very protective of the copy rite of the BOM. I think it is to protect there control of any changes editing that is done to the book. When changes are made they want to have the right to make them and have no other copies out there that differ from there own. I do not think that they want a lot of different copies floating around that perhaps been edited without there approval.

But I can't help but think, if they are regular Christians and they believe in the Book of Mormon has the word of God, that Joseph Smith was commissioned to translated it, why can't they accept the rest of what he taught?

The key is what did Joesph actually teach/ There is a lot of Mormons out there who differ in what Joseph taught. Even int he church there is diverse opinions about what Joseph taught. Look at all the symposiums in the past few years within and outside the church who differ on that subject. I think you can accept Joesph as a prophet but differ greatly on the churches perspective on Joseph's teachings. Look at the FLDS, the Strangites the RLDS church as examples.

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Post Date: 6th Mar, 2008 - 7:52am / Post ID: #

Book Of Mormon And Christians
A Friend

Book Mormon Christians

This sounds like the same kind of thing that happened in the early church after Christ left. People wanting to believe half truths because they can't accept the whole thing. They don't want to believe that there is modern revelation and prophets and that,although the Lord is unchanging, his mandates to his people must change with time to reflect the times they are living in. To accept the Book of Mormon is true without accepting the Church is not accepting it, because they are basically saying that the modern prophets don't exist, and are not leading the Church today. The book was brought forth by a prophet, and ONLY by accepting that, can you claim to believe it, otherwise it's just a nice story.

14th Mar, 2008 - 9:53pm / Post ID: #

Book Mormon Christians Mormon Doctrine Studies

Release the hold on the Book of Mormon? What do they want the Church to do, give them ownership of it?

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