Uefa Champion's League Final

Uefa Champion' S League Final - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 27th May, 2009 - 11:52pm

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Post Date: 10th May, 2009 - 11:33pm / Post ID: #

Uefa Champion's League Final
A Friend

Uefa Champion's League Final

This year's final is a clash between the two dominant forces in European Football:
Manchester United and Barcalona.
The action kicks off in Rome on the 28th of May.
It's a close call, I'm a Manc fan so I'm biased.

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11th May, 2009 - 12:12am / Post ID: #

Final League Champions Uefa

United is the favorite and there are two Argentinians playing in both teams so it's hard for me to choose. I would say I think Barcelona may win, specially if Messi is there.

Post Date: 14th May, 2009 - 12:15am / Post ID: #

Uefa Champion's League Final
A Friend

Uefa Champion's League Final Sports & Fashion Music Movies

I think it will be an even game, but with two contrasting styles I hope they don't cancel each other out; giving a draw and a penalty shoot out.
It makes good drama but it's a poor way of deciding soccer's biggest prize.

Post Date: 27th May, 2009 - 9:22pm / Post ID: #

Uefa Champion's League Final
A Friend

Final League Champions Uefa

The score was Barcalona 2, Manchester United 0.
It was disappointing from a British point of view, apart from the first 10 minutes, United failed to make headway against a very technically sound Barcalona team.
The first goal by Eto'o was not a classic, but against the run of play.
After this the Barcalona pair in mid-field were dominant, United did threaten through Giggs and Sun Park had a chance but to no avail.
United's goal keeper gave a brave performance but was left helpless by Messi's master header in the second half.
For the Neutral it was a good game, but United failed to win a second European cup on the bounce - it hurt.

27th May, 2009 - 11:52pm / Post ID: #

Final League Champions Uefa

Good review Harkon. I think Barcelona played great but Manchester United looked almost threatened by Barcelona's confidence, maybe like the coach said is because the team still young.

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