Trini Smoking Addiction

Trini Smoking Addiction - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 18th May, 2009 - 3:10pm

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Post Date: 18th May, 2009 - 3:10pm / Post ID: #

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Trini Smoking Addiction

New drug fights smoking addiction

It would start in the morning. The familiar urge to light a cigarette to start his day had become part of Michael Semper's routine. It began with a cigarette offered to him by a friend over a decade ago. Now, he's up to a pack a day; twenty cigarettes inhaled on a daily basis. "I really want to quit. I've tried quitting three times before but something would stress me out and in no time, I'd be back in the shop buying a pack. I know it's not healthy but I don't think people understand the intensity of the craving. It's like a voice in the back of my head insisting that I get a smoke and if I don't, the voice just nags until I give in," Semper shared. Ref. Source 7

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