AD&D Monster Manual 2
What is your review for the AD&D Monster Manual 2?
I haven't used the MM 2 manual in a long time. This looks like a newer version. The older version really didn't bring anything unique to the monster options. I prefer the original manual.
I haven't gotten any of the new books... The only system I really know well is the original ADnD system... Although this last fall I played in a 3.5 campaign (at least I think it was 3.5). I admit to liking some of the combat stuff since it makes it easier for the person running the game to keep it fair when people are trying to do more elaborate things.
As far as this particular book, I figure anything that gives the DM more options is good... If they feel something is out of balance or doesn't fit their world, they can always change it anyway. ;)
The monsters in the second monster manual are just plain weird. A lot of them could probably be featured on a horror show. When it gets too weird then you can't really get a figure to represent it.
You don't think there are enough creatures in Monster Manual 1? Monster Manual 2 I think is better suited for players that can really visualize what is attacking them because those MM2 descriptions are very weird.