Aquila UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences
Rather off topic, but...
I am fairly certain we will, if we have not already. You have to keep in mind for everything we know about, our government is probably hiding twice as much from us. I wouldn't be surprised to find out we have a bio dome on a moon somewhere.
Or possibly capsules with our genetic makeup in it shooting out to different ends of the galaxy. Set up in a way to spread our species once it lands on a suitable planet. Possibly having technology in the capsule itself to detect such suitable planets from extreme distances.
I am just saying if we can imagine this stuff it is pretty likely to exist. Some one some were has thought of it and has made it, or is designing it now. Also a lot of what we know becomes common knowledge long before it is confirmed by our governments. Kind of like they figure, hey they already think its true anyway, why not release the information. That is one less thing we have to cover up.
The discovery of a Jupiter-like "exoplanet" orbiting the star VB 10 is the first to be made using the astrometry method.
I just doubt this is the first, probably the first time we heard about it is more likely.
Edited: Oliron on 12th May, 2010 - 6:13pm